Spirituality * Culture * Self-Expression

Author: Michael A. Michail Page 2 of 18

Where’s Beethoven?

Look back 500 years, 400 years, 100 years, even 50 years and you will see examples of world class, creative geniuses everywhere. Leonardo, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Martin Luther, Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Bach, Mozart, Benjamin Franklin, Madame Currie, Dostoyevsky, Nicola Tesla, Beethoven … The list goes on and on. Geniuses in every field of human endeavor, whose works changed the world, whose names will live forever.

But what will people 100 years from now or even 50 years from now see when they look back at our time? Where is our Beethoven?

We are pretty much at the peak of civilization – certainly as far as technology goes. The average idiot walks down the street carrying a device that connects to all the information in the world. We have the ability to communicate, instantly, with people everywhere, anytime. Someone in Tennessee has no problem talking to someone in Timbuktu. And not just talk – they can see each other on screen, send each other documents, conference with dozens of other people around the world at the same time – they can even hop a plane and meet in person in just a few hours. Imagine if Shakespeare could have done that.

There is also more wealth in the world, today, then at any other time in history. And, in terms of percentage of the population, there are fewer people in poverty than ever before.

It’s a golden age for many – or at least it should be – but there is something missing.

We haven’t had a real technological breakthrough since the Moon landing more than 50 years ago. “Art” has literally degenerated to someone throwing excrement at a canvas and framing it. Music, film and television is created by committees and focus groups. Authors are more concerned with the number of pronouns and acronyms they can use than in the story. And “educators” appear to base their curricula on insect or reptilian logic.

The flame of the World Soul is being extinguished.

In the past, creative people struggled to find information, patrons and audiences – how much could Van Gogh, Mozart, Tesla and others have benefited from the Internet? Current technology has solved many problems that hindered creators of the past. We also have excessive amounts of leisure and levels of comfort only the very rich could afford not too long ago.

And yet…

Where is our Beethoven? Our Shakespeare? Our Newton? Our Rembrandt? Our Einstein? Hell, where’s our Elvis?

It seems the fulfilment of needs such as information and leisure does not contribute to greatness. What powers genius is a connection to Spirit – and that is something technology can’t seem to give us.

Instead of a new Axial Ages or a new Renaissance the 21st century is a new Dark Age full of propaganda, conflict, pestilence and the Death of the human Spirit.  

Happy New Year 2022

Well, our Reptilian Overlords sure did a number on us in 2021. Will we let them continue their abuses in 2022? Let’s fight back!

We can’t beat them if we use their rules and their weapons – we have to use other methods. We can only fight them by becoming so full of Light that all their Darkness will be dispelled.

For this coming year, resolve to meditate everyday and expand your Consciousness to the point that no demon inspired, soul sucking politician can impact your life. Set your inner divinity free. Become such a radiant beacon of Light, Life and Love that no power of Darkness can survive around you. Resolve to be a Force for Good in the world.

Happy New Year.

Love and Blessings and all good wishes for Peace Profound!

Merry Christmas 2021

There’s a part of the Christmas story described in the Gospel of Luke that I always used to find strange and unrealistic. Luke says that at the time of Jesus’s birth, Augustus Caesar decreed that everyone in the Empire had to travel to their ancestral homeland to be enrolled for taxation. This is the reason Joseph and Mary had to journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. That just seemed like a weird process and a total logistical nightmare. It’s not the kind of plan you’d expect from a large, powerful government organization.

Well, after seeing the governments of the world in action over the past year or so, the government behavior described in the Bible doesn’t seem all that peculiar, anymore. Politicians and heads of state have proven themselves to be total nutjobs, ready and willing to put into action any crackpot scheme the Reptilian Overlords propose.

Two thousand years from now, will anyone believe the insanity of 2021?

Anyway, I wish all of you the very best of the season. Let’s hope at least some of today’s politicians find some working brains in their Christmas stockings and stop acting like nonsensical, tyrannical two-year-olds.

May the Light, Life and Love of Divine Spirit fill your hearts and minds and bring you all good blessings for joy and Peace Profound throughout the coming year.

Merry Christmas!

Let in the Light

In a few days, we will experience the Winter Solstice and Christmas. Both times symbolize the birth or rebirth of Light in the world. Astronomically, the Winter Solstice in the Northern hemisphere is the shortest period of daylight in the year – the darkest day. But then, the daylight period grows ever longer giving new life to the Earth. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ – spiritually the Light of the World – mystically and historically it is the time God manifested on Earth for the redemption of humanity.

Whatever your religious convictions, this time of the year is a wonderful vision and expression of illumination and life emerging from the winter darkness.

It seems appropriate to embrace this experience with a meditation period to help us unite with cosmic Light, Life and Love and become an instrument of Enlightenment to all.

The meditation procedure I propose is simple and should be something in which everyone can participate.

First, choose a position that is comfortable for you to maintain for a few minutes while still ensuring that you can retain alertness. Sitting with a straight back as in the classic meditation pose is ideal, but not necessary. Any position that allows you to be comfortable and relaxed, yet still offers a slight tension to maintain your wakefulness is fine.

Next, choose a time of day that lets you regularly devote a few minutes to the practice. Preferably in the morning to take advantage of the naturally occurring sun rise, but anytime will do. Our spiritual nature is larger and more accommodating than any physical or astronomical phenomenon.

Now, sit and breathe for a few moments. Your breath should be even and regular, controlled but not limiting – keep it natural.

Then, begin to visualize or imagine a great light somewhere out in space. Let this become, for you, the Source of all Light. Notice streams of Light beaming towards you. The Light enters your mind and fills your awareness. Then, allow the Light to flow down through your face and neck and into your shoulders and then into your whole body.

As the Light continues to stream from the Source, it fills your body completely. All your muscles, bones and organs are filled with the calm, warming, healing Light from the Source of all Light, Life and Love. The Light fills all your body, deep into your cells, until you, yourself, are glowing and radiating the Light. Visualize or imagine this happening. The Light from the Source pours into your body and you begin to radiate Light. In a short time, you become a Source of Light for your surroundings. Your Light fills the space around you, the room, your whole dwelling place, out into the surrounding buildings and neighborhood, out into the world around you, out into the whole world.

Visualize or imagine that through you the whole world is now filling with Light. All the people you know, all the people you care about, share in this abundance of Light. The Great Source of Light, Life and Love has now merged with you and you have become the Source of Light, Life and Love for others.

Hold and enjoy this image of yourself for a few moments, and then, when you are ready, let yourself awaken to the world again. But keep the image of yourself as a Source of Light going with you throughout the day.

Work with this meditation daily over the course of the season and even beyond this season out into the New Year. Enjoy the experience of being a channel for Goodness and Light in the world.

Love and Blessings and all good wishes for Peace Profound!

Everybody Meditates

Meditation isn’t a Christian thing or a Western thing – it’s not even a Hindu thing or an Eastern thing – meditation is a worldwide thing. Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Norsemen, First Nations people – everybody around the world, from the earliest humans to the present time have meditated and continue to meditate in one form or another.

Knowledge of meditation and similar practices are found throughout history.

In pre-Colombian America, in old Nordic cultures, in ancient Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome; in Arabic and African countries, in Australia and the Pacific islands – all people have a tradition of meditation.

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician whose theorems are still taught in schools, today, led a community of disciples who practiced meditation. The Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, wrote a book on the subject. Native Americans initiated their youth in meditation processes. Old Mexican sculpture depicts people in poses similar to ones used by yoga students. Mantras, seed thoughts and words of power are found not just in India, but throughout the ancient world and sounds such as Om are found in scriptures as diverse as Norse texts (Ome), Sanskrit (Aum), Judeo-Christian (Amen), Egyptian (Amon) and Arabic (Amin).

Knowledge of psychic centers and meditation concentration points also appear universal. From Hopi Indian practices to South Africa and throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Monastic orders in the Greek Orthodox Church continue to work with these concepts just as do the Hindus and Buddhists.

Meditation is clearly a common human inheritance.

Meditation practices, postures and power phrases or prayers are based on knowledge of the three-fold aspects of human beings – Body, Mind and Spirit. This knowledge provides detailed direction for eliminating mental and physical inhibitions. Humans have evolved with an instinct and desire to unite the physical and spiritual aspects of their being into a unified experience. And this experience is one of the things we strive for in meditation.

Ups and Downs

Your favorite mystic was a bit lazy last week and didn’t prepare a good post. Actually, not so much lazy as despondent. The political situation in the world has a way of bringing me down – although, it really needn’t do so.

It is true that the current occupant of the White House is a corrupt moron and likely to get the West into a shooting war, or worse – an economic war that turns Western nations into vassal states of certain Eastern powers. And the various, current, Prime Ministers of Canada, the U.K., New Zealand and, especially, Australia likewise appear to be corrupt morons and enemies of the people. The 27 unelected Commissars of the European Union, along with just about every elected (selected) President, Prime Minister and Chancellor of the European nations are no better and, in most cases, worse. As are the rest of the leaders of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South America and all affiliated or non-affiliated islands and such. What can be said of the U.N., NATO, and the other dictatorial organizations that deem themselves in control of the world?

It’s not enough that they all seem to despise their own, individual, nations – they also seem to act with a collective agenda to crush the spirit of Humanity, in general, and, specifically, to destroy Western civilization.

This is not something we should find surprising; the Devil has been in control of all the kingdoms of the world for thousands of years. What’s different is that it seems like in the past 50 years or so, the efforts to subjugate humanity have been ramped up considerably.

Yet, we should not despair – least of all, your favorite mystic. We know all this, and we also know that the Earth itself belongs to God and all the human and, perhaps, non-human inhabitants on the planet that want a REAL life are welcome to enter the Kingdom of God – a Kingdom that is not of this world and, thus, is beyond the control of the Devil.

The political leaders are doing what they have to do to achieve their wicked goals – this should not concern us. Let them do what they must in the time available to them. Certainly we, on the path, must continue to exist IN the world – living and walking on the planet. However, spiritually, we should remain apart and not be OF the world.

Let them do their thing while we continue to do ours.

Let us seek first and with vigor the Kingdom of God and let all the rest work itself out.

Why Meditate?


The Rittenhouse trial illustrates something important – godless, left-wing loon strongholds like Kenosha should just be allowed to burn.

Maybe that sounds harsh, but if such communities are going to vote in, support, promote and defend lunatics capable of the insane behavior demonstrated by the rioters, looters and anarchists, those communities deserve to collapse. And if you don’t support that type of person or behavior, then you should do whatever you can to get the hell out of those places. Follow the example of John Galt (and if you don’t know who John Galt is, look him up.)

The corrupt media suggests that the looters, rioters and violent nutjobs are just expressing some leftist/democratic ideals of social justice. Not true. Do you think stuff like this happens in real leftist countries? Nope. Even in the heyday of Lenin and Mao, anarchists were in the minority. Communists have a political agenda – they want to destroy the old establishment and then set up a new one. BLM, Antifa and other crazy rioters just want to destroy – they have no desire to build anything and no desire to govern. They destroy for the pleasure of it. For them, rioting isn’t a means to an end – it is the end in itself.

Look at the biggest, most powerful Communist state in the world – China. Would looting and rioting be accepted there? No, it would not. Would perverse actions such as transvestites in clownish makeup telling sex stories to 8-year-olds in a public library be tolerated? No, it would not. Would pedophiles, rapists and drug dealers be praised as heroes? No, they would not. Would burning the national flag or kneeling during the national anthem be permitted? Not a chance.

Communist China is run by corrupt, degenerate, power hungry, ruthless, atheist scum bags, but they don’t put up with the so-called leftist crap Western radicals advocate and seem to get away with.

The Joe Biden’s of the world aren’t just corrupt scumbags, they are infected by a planetary Darkness that’s been around for thousands of years – a degenerative evil force that dominates the ungodly everywhere. The depraved politicians aren’t just leftist, liberals Marxists, socialist, communist, fascist, authoritarian globalists – they are worshippers of the Darkness.

In the Bible, the devil tempts Lord Jesus by offering all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for His worship. How could the devil make such an offer? Because the devil does indeed control the kingdoms of the world – back then and today. And politicians who claim to be Christian and therefor should know better, nevertheless have deliberately bent the knee to the Darkness.

Hollywood and the whole “entertainment” industry is also part of what the Bible calls “the synagogue of Satan.” And the so-called “news media” are the propaganda machine of the Darkness. Together they would urge even the servants of Light into the abyss.

Poor Kyle Rittenhouse thought he was doing his civic duty by stepping up to defend a community spiraling into the void. He was taken to task by everyone from the current president on down, put on trial for his life, and, although he was rightfully found not guilty, he still faces retribution by the agents of the Darkness. He should have let Kenosha fall. The people there made their choice. And we must, also, make our own.

Spiritual Authority

You could spend all your days reading books about the spiritual life – you could dream about it, fantasize about it, study the philosophy of the world and judge everything around you – but that won’t really get you any closer to being Spiritual – to experiencing personal growth and Enlightenment. You can’t get there by reading and studying you have to practice, but to practice you must first know what you should be practicing – you need some authoritative guidance to help you find the right path to take.

Unfortunately, the greater part of modern literature on this subject has been strongly influenced by the times – and face it, modern attitudes are hostile to real spiritual attainment. Many books and so-called teachers often pump out systems based on fear of confronting actual life and a real ignorance of what people need today and what they are capable of achieving. The modern view is warped by rules, prejudices and concepts of collectivism and fake social justice that allow only a few people the ability to hang on to spiritual power and thus maintain a rigid, decadent social system. The modern world does not want you to experience true spiritual growth which would free you from its grasp: it wants you to be dependent on an elitist, Luciferian state ideology.

What people need today is the same thing they needed a thousand, two thousand, five thousand years ago or more – a path to divine union. That doesn’t mean an absolute rejection of materialism, it means being able to embrace life IN the world without becoming part OF the world – living as close to Spirit as your physical limitations allow.

Originally, spirituality and meditation were a core part of all positive religions. This is because religion, in general, is something local while spirituality is universal. The religion of your people, culture and traditions gave you access to Spirit in a direct and wholesome environment. Separating spirituality from religion turns it into an orphan of the storm, subject to whatever debris the wind and rain throw at it. Practicing spirituality requires an established framework to make it functional.

I’m not suggesting that you must adhere to whatever religion you were born into or whatever religion is dominant in your locality – I am saying that a religious structure that has been around for thousands of years and is still thriving and growing probably has something positive to offer you and shouldn’t be rejected just for the sake of being “modern.” It might be true that many faith groups have been corrupted by modern social viewpoints so that they are almost unrecognizable from their foundations, but it is possible to look back at the origins of the religion and use the early principles for your own spiritual benefit.

Spirituality, separated from cultural tradition and authoritative sources, will likely end up attached to some modernistic, State held belief system loaded with collectivist nonsense about abandoning the past in favor of some mythical great reset. Positive spirituality is eternal and never changing. But negative spirituality also exists as a manipulative, malevolent force that seeks to corrupt and enslave the masses who reject the truth. Be on your guard.


I guess, if starseeds are a real thing, then, I am one; because, I don’t fit into the regular world and I reject and resist the authority of the invading, reptilian overlords.

Apparently, starseeds are beings from other planets, other galaxies and, even, other dimensions who have traveled to Earth thousands of years ago to incarnate in human bodies. They have the mission to assist in planetary evolution and prepare humanity for great challenges that always seem to lie just ahead of us. There are, from Earth’s perspective, benevolent and malevolent starseeds. Besides their basic mission, the benevolent starseeds also seek to protect us from the malevolent forces – particularly the reptilian races – that seek to take over the world. The malevolent starseeds want to dominate humanity; the benevolent starseeds want to free humanity so that they can become subjects of the Galactic Federation, or something.

From what I’ve read, there’s a peculiar thing about the starseeds: the malevolent ones seem to retain awareness of their origins and purpose and actively seek to infiltrate the halls of power through exploitation of wealth, imposing themselves in politics and connecting themselves to the generational ruling families of Earth. The benevolent starseeds mostly forget their origins and go through life – incarnation after incarnation – feeling insecure, out of place and unaware of their true destinies until some “teacher” explains to them who they are and from where they came. Nevertheless, even if the benevolent starseeds never discovery their true identity and purpose, they still have a positive impact on the world by the unearthly radiations of their souls.

Knowledge of the presence, identity and purpose of starseeds has come to light only recently through the efforts of “channelers” – people who are able to consciously make contact with galactic record sources and other, non-human, intelligences.

Hidden references to starseeds abound throughout history and across the world, if you know what to look for. There are stories of human representations of various god-forms known as Avatars, such as Lord Krishna; there are tales of sons of god-forms performing heroic deeds such as Hercules; there are records of messengers of god-forms bringing spiritual teaching and insights to people such as the angels and prophets of the Bible; and there are innumerable accounts of shamans, seers, sorcerers, saints and servants of Light in all cultures. Channelers and researchers tell us that many of these stories, if not all of them, are referring to starseeds.

Sumerian, Babylonian and Persian spiritual histories do seem to talk about a battle between alien forces of good and evil taking place on Earth, and many religious heroes talk of worlds beyond our own, but they don’t explicitly mention starseeds or galactic empires. This seems to be a new interpretation of cosmic events or just psychological evolution. The primary sources of the starseed mythos appear to be found in the writings of a variety of more or less recent spiritual and not so spiritual figures. Some of these figures include Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, Alice Baily, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Ron Hubbard, Doris Lessing, Erich von Daniken, Zecharia Sitchen, Riley Martin and David Icke to name a few.

It is interesting to me that many people who reject traditional, established religions seem drawn to newly formulated alternative ideologies based on ancient Gnostic, Hindu and Zoroastrian doctrines as well as science fiction and the mythologies of exploited or diminishing populations.

There’s definitely a lot of things going on in this world of which most people are not aware. I, myself, have explored many uncharted regions of hidden reality and have encountered non-human intelligences of various kinds – many benevolent, some malevolent.

One of the claims often asserted by malevolent beings is that humans, being little more than talking apes, are incapable of achieving greatness without assistance of “superior” beings. They teach that all the notable works of humanity are due to the influence of non-human leaders. I reject this. Humans may be flawed and not yet fully evolved, but we do not need alien spirits to help, guide or shape us. We are not a science experiment. We are great on our own. And, if there is a Galactic Federation out there, we humans will ultimately dominate it. And perhaps that is the reason so many of these non-human entities want to keep us feeling insecure and powerless – they know what we can do.

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