Spirituality * Culture * Self-Expression

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The Second Horseman

We all know that the Book of Revelation, written some 2000 years ago, predicts the rise of the Anti-Christ and his reign of terror, but it also describes a long period of build up before this monstrous ruler appears.

The Anti-Christ, also known as the Great Beast, is the diabolical, world leader who unleashes hell on Earth. He, or It, doesn’t show up in the Book of Revelation, however, until Chapter 13. In the earlier chapters, all sorts of horrible things happen. These include, but are not limited to, wars, famine, pestilence, earthquakes and even some asteroid collisions, as well as religious persecution and social upheaval.

The coming of the great tribulation is ushered in by the infamous Four Horseman of the Apocalypse: False Teaching, War, Famine and Death.

It would seem that the First Horseman, False Teaching and Propaganda, has been on the loose for some time now. The false doctrines of Globalism, “wokeness” and perverse spirituality have weakened the human condition to the extent that many people in power have no clue regarding right and wrong, good and evil. And the population at large is doubtful about the reality of any moral distinctions.

This has paved the way for the coming of the Second Horseman – War. He rides a red horse and carries a large battle sword that he wields with fury. The Horseman engages in Spiritual as well as physical warfare.

Feckless leaders, demoralized nations, lack of critical thinking – all allow the Spiritual Evil of war to spread, unchallenged and destroy the hopes of the people.

With the Russian-Ukraine conflict, a domino effect could ensue with one country after another plunging into chaos. And who stands in the way of this?

There have been plenty of wars over the past 2000 years. The wars spread by the Second Horseman, however, destroy more than physical lives. They twist and pervert the soul of humanity, making people ripe for demonic control.

Leaders of the world seem already to have accepted the Dark Path. War is just another tool to extend what they believe is their own power base; they are really aiding diabolic forces to gain dominion over the people.

In a real democratic society, leaders are supposed to SERVE the people not lord it over them. There are no longer any true democracies or Just States – the First Horseman took care of that. As recent events have shown, false leaders are all too eager to crush dissent and the propaganda networks, spurred on by the ride of the First Horseman, willingly collaborate in subjugating the masses. The Second Horseman drives the fearful ever deeper into the darkness.

If the Second Horseman is truly on the loose, the only way to survive the next few years is by strengthening our Spiritual will – the physical world is controlled by evil.

We must wake up and become aware of what really matters – our true, inner divinity.

We must Wake Up! Wake ourselves up. Wake up any way possible, any way we can. And then we must strive to wake up others.

“For we strive not against mere flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

Euro-Christian Culture

I’m not saying Judeo-Christian tradition anymore. There’s no point. Whatever good is attributable to “Judeo” culture within the framework of Western Civilization has already been filtered through Christianity. The 10 Commandments, the Psalms, Proverbs, Prophesy – it’s all part of Christian tradition now and has been for two thousand years. What is distinct from Christianity, that combined with it to form the Western world, is the monolithic European ideology that existed before the rise of Church doctrines. Thus, I refer to it now, exclusively as Euro-Christian culture and tradition.

Western Civilization, my civilization, the civilization that allows me, among other things, to write blog posts is built on 5 pillars: Greek art, philosophy and speculation; Roman engineering and organization; Germanic industry; Norse adventurism; and of course, most importantly, Christian idealism and faith. The first four are solid European elements, the fifth, incorporates a lot of non-western beliefs, but since 313 A.D. is a solid Western construct, a Universal religion that promotes progress, growth and achievement on Earth.

No other culture, despite their well-deserved praise, can boast the accomplishments of Euro-Christian tradition – art, music, literature, science, philosophy and humanitarian endeavours are unmatched.

Yes, other nations have come up with original and influential ideas, but it is only by being distilled through Western principles that these ideas have reached universal appeal. For example, the movable type, printing press was developed in Asia hundreds of years before Gutenberg, but the idea failed to get general acceptance In the East and, in many cases, was reserved only for the ruling class. Gutenberg’s conception, fueled by Euro-Christian ideology, was to promote literacy throughout Europe and make it possible for anyone, of any economic class, to afford a personal copy of the Bible and other significant works. Up till then, books had to be copied out by hand and were extremely expensive. Gutenberg made it possible for information to be transmitted to the masses – a concept peculiar to Western culture.

Western culture is responsible for technological achievements ranging from the telephone to space travel. The West developed symphony orchestras, opera, ballet, even Jazz and rock & roll and, significantly, the means of bringing all this music into the lives of anyone who wants it through radio, television, and recording devices. Sociologically, the spiritual ideologies of the West have given the world innumerable charitable organizations, food and resource distribution networks, universities, public orphanages and elder care facilities, the Red Cross and other emergency care systems, as well as the concept of a United Nations where leaders from around the world can gather peacefully to discuss ways to benefit humanity.

Some think that it is the climate and landscape of Europe that led to the development of these wonders. However, many countries have far more environmental advantages, but have not accomplished nearly as much. No, it is the ideological spirit of bringing forth societal betterment through individual as well as group effort that is far more responsible. The desire to make beauty, safety, progress and freedom available to everyone, not just the elite, and the will to accomplish these aims, seems to be a peculiarly Euro-Christian construct.

Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Bach, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, and other geniuses could have been born anywhere, but it is unlikely that they could have achieved their level of greatness and universal impact anywhere outside the spiritual framework of the West. The value of self-expression; the ability to move through social classes; the possibility of transforming ideas into wealth; the public election of leaders at all levels of government; the concern for humanity for its own sake; the concern for non-human life, the environment and the planet as a whole; the belief that suffering of the masses can be alleviated and that it should be; the belief that all people are created equal before God and that no group is chosen above the rest;  the belief that, in spite of personal sinfulness, all people have value, can be forgiven and can free themselves from the past; and the possibility of individual greatness – are all Euro-Christian conceptions that have shaped the world.

To be sure, many Euro-Christian doctrines are not always practiced, and they are often opposed by people who should, in fact, know better. There has been a struggle both spiritually and materially throughout the centuries to make Euro-Christian culture mainstream, even in Europe. However, the core beliefs of our culture are what makes it possible for all those of good will to gather together and work for peace, security and the enhancement of all people who choose to embrace what we know of as Western Civilization.

The Fall

Fall is another word for Autumn, the season before Winter. But that’s not what I’m talking about in this post – unless we count the Fall as the time leading up to the bleak, cold, brutal days before the end of a cycle.

The Fall I’m talking about is the fall of civilization – a time that could very well be upon us.

We are experiencing crazy ideologies sweeping the planet, twisting people’s minds and spirits; wars and civil unrest breaking out in every developed and undeveloped country; strange diseases and environmental catastrophes bringing on death and economic upheaval – and all manner of attacks on the time-honored beliefs, traditions and institutions that have advanced human society. What is the cause? What dark forces want the world to end? The world we grew up in? These can’t be readily named, but their representatives seem to have been active for a very long time and their efforts are achieving their end – the end of decency, hope and individual achievement and happiness.

Here’s a graphic example of the devastation of morality that’s befallen the West. In 1965, before the degrading influence of Globalization was championed by almost every world leader and celebrity, pornography for the average teenager consisted of underwear ads in the Sears Catalogue. Today, gay, cannibalistic pedophile porn is an option for just about anyone of any age with access to the Internet. This isn’t some accident or unforeseen side effect of technology – the obliteration of social normality, self-esteem and a basic view of morals is the clear objective of the dark forces working for cultural dominance.

This degradation isn’t being brought on by the traditional enemies of the West, by anti-capitalist nations – countries that advocate communism, fascism, totalitarianism, etc. strongly oppose this degeneracy and mock the West for tolerating it. It is also condemned by both Orthodox Christianity and Islam: two opposing religions that now find themselves facing a common enemy – demon inspired Globalism.

It is the ungodly billionaire class that is bringing on the degradation and fall of the West from right within our own society.

For 500 years, those who sought personal prosperity were responsible for building the civilized world we know – Technology, medicine, industry, security were all advanced by those seeking individual wealth and power. The benefits generated by the achievements of the prosperous included the freedom, security and opportunity enjoyed by the average person living in a Western nation. No more. Now, it seems that most of those who have made it to the top and enjoy extraordinary financial success, the ones who advocate for Globalism, are pulling the ladders up after them so no one else can make the climb and are pouring hot, liquid degeneracy down upon the rest of us – the way feudal lords would pour burning oil down on enemies trying to breach the walls of their castle. The old billionaire class at least pretended to be godly to preserve the social order – the new billionaires are blatantly anti-religious and if they secretly worship a spirit its something like Moloch and Abaddon. They have nothing but contempt for the middle-class and all euro-Christian values and traditions. Thus, for them, it has become a pleasure to corrupt the masses.

Look, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your lot in life – to advance your position in society. There’s nothing wrong with seeking prosperity and wealth. But, as we say, what benefit do you get from gaining the whole world if in the process you lose your soul?

We have to wake up. Although it is true that foreign powers are actively seeking our destruction, the real threat to our way of life and the most likely cause of the Fall of Western civilization is from the people who are supposed to be our leaders. These degenerate forces are the cancer cells destroying our body from within. To stop the spread of this malignancy we must strengthen our immune system by bathing in the radiance of the Love of Divine Spirit and resist the temptations offered by the New World Order.

Japanese Inventions

Something a bit different.

I am primarily concerned with spirituality and mysticism and when I talk about society it is usually from the perspective of Euro-Christian, Western traditional culture and civilization. Still, I am interested in the world in general and I have a lot of respect and admiration for the Japanese nation. Outside of European and North American countries, Japan is the place with which I have the closest affinity.

So, when someone boldly asserts to me that Japan has never created anything of value and merely copies the ideas and inventions of other people, I get a bit perturbed.

Japan has a long history of achievement. Throughout the centuries, Japan has contributed original thoughts, innovations and practical discoveries of all kinds that have greatly impacted civilization. I would recommend that people do some research before disparaging any country or culture, since pretty much every group of people on Earth has added something of value to humanity. And Japan has contributed more than most.

An easy place to start an investigation is with Wikipedia (I know, not always the best source – but good as a quick reference). Go to the page on Japanese inventions which describes just a few of the many innovative and original accomplishments Japan has made. The fields of contribution include Art, Atmospheric Science, Sports, Video Games, Philosophy, Biology, Chemistry, Biomedical Science, Finance, Food and Food Science, Mathematics, Physics, Technology and more.

Just in the past 100 years or so, Japanese inventions have changed the world for the better.

Here is a short list of some of their more impressive achievements:

  • The Fujit scale for measuring the intensity of tornadoes
  • The discovery of the Jet Stream
  • The production and use of General Anesthesia
  • The portable electrocardiograph
  • The creation of Statin drugs
  • The first comic book (Yes!)
  • Blue LED technology
  • The camera phone
  • The TV watch
  • VHS, CD, DVD and Blu-Ray technology
  • The portable CD player etc.
  • Lithium-Ion batteries
  • Dry Cell batteries
  • The pocket calculator
  • The digital camera
  • Fiber optic communication
  • The lap top computer
  • The microcomputer
  • 3D printing
  • The first full scale android
  • Interplanetary solar sail spacecraft
  • Electronic television
  • The automatic quartz watch
  • Self-driving cars
  • The aircraft carrier
  • Canned coffee
  • And so very much more.

Along with cultural, spiritual and societal attainments – family values, integrity, manners, social rituals, perseverance, work ethic and an indomitable spirit – the Japanese prove themselves an exceptional people.


In Arthurian legend, it is said that “the King and the Land are one.” If the King is sick, demented or evil then the Land will be despoiled. If the King is right, just and true then the Land will prosper.

Look around at the world today and consider the leadership. Not only have the various Globalist presidents, prime ministers, premiers, etc. separated themselves spiritually from the people they are supposed to represent, they have also separated themselves physically – they do not consider themselves part of the Land at all.

Globalists do not accept borders, therefore the see no countries. With no countries, there are no nationalities. With no nationalities, there are no citizens. With no citizens, there are no rights. And with no rights, there is no FREEDOM. To the Globalists, people exist only at the discretion of their so-called leaders.

It should, of course, be the other way around – elected leaders should hold office at the discretion of the people, they should be the Servants of the people not their Masters. Leaders are supposed to protect the God-given rights of the people and defend the Land – just as a shepherd protects the flock from the wolf. Instead, they have made us the spoils of creatures that seek our destruction.

 The false leaders often make a show of patriotism and claim that their vile, authoritarian dictates are implemented for the good of the people and the good of the land.

These people are NOT patriots.

Patriots have a connection to, and a strong belief in, the land, the people and the principles that founded the Nation. Patriots act out of a commitment to the cultures, tradition and values of the communities that thrive under a National identity. Patriots are foremost citizens of a well-defined Nation and as citizens they seek to protect and preserve the rights and privileges inherent in that Nation.

 (I will stipulate that it is possible to be patriotic without occupying or controlling the nation you hold allegiance to – a population in exile can still be patriotic concerning the founding principles of the nation with which they identify.)

Now, since Globalists do not believe in Nations or even citizens (“citizen of the world” is a cartoonish construct) they cannot be patriots.

Globalists have no love or regard for land, people, culture, customs, traditions or national identity. Globalists divide the world into servants and masters – and even the most inane celebrity Globalist does not identify with the servant class. A Globalist leader will always sell out the people of the land they are supposed to represent to the Luciferian world view that they actually serve.  

True patriots must constantly oppose and resist the Globalist ideology that is spreading like a virus around the world or risk becoming merely a serf in the New World Order.  

We Must Live Somewhere; They Can Live Anywhere

There’s a saying: Some people can live anywhere, but others have to live somewhere.

This is one of the many divisions facing society, today. Some of us have a homeland, a culture, a tradition, a spiritual connection to a community. We must live somewhere. We can’t just pick up and leave a place anytime we want to – it’s a challenge. And when we arrive at a new place, we make a commitment to stay there. We are bound to the land, the people, the institutions.

This is not the case for others. For some people, wealthy Globalists in particular, physical location is temporary. They can live anywhere. They have abandoned their roots. They have no connection to place; no sense of national identity. For them, flying off to Paris for lunch and then spending a month in Hong Kong on a whim is a common event. There’s nothing keeping them in the land of their birth. Cultural heritage is irrelevant and citizenship is just a formality – totally unimportant.

This was not always the case. While the old rich, people with generational wealth, the hidden controllers of society could always live anywhere, they seldom did so as it would attract too much attention. They did however run their business interests internationally. But the other rich, the stereotypical rich people of the past who made their fortunes in their own lifetimes – cattle barons, oil tycoons, real estate moguls – they owed their wealth to the land. You couldn’t move 100,000 head of cattle across the ocean on a whim or uproot an oil well. Even retail stores such as Macy’s, Eaton’s, Woolworths, etc. had fixed locations. And, similarly, creative organizations like film makers were tied to the land. If you wanted to make a big, successful movie in the past, you had to live and work in Hollywood and your market was primarily America and the English-speaking world.

This has all changed, however, since the 1960’s. The methods of International Finance have trickled down to almost all aspects of business including moviemaking and retail enterprises.

For example, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, currently the richest person in the world, someone who creates nothing, but just moves merchandise around, can set up his retail operations anywhere. Along with Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, and many more, he has no spiritual connection to the land of his birth – no connection to the people of America. There might be some nostalgic value to remaining in America, but that’s it. These people can afford to NOT be patriotic or concerned with the people out of which they sprang because they can live, work and thrive anywhere.

Thus, they glibly spew out the Globalist propaganda about the benefits of a One World Government, a Borderless Society, a Multicultural Collective and the rest. They seek to fool the gullible into believing they are on the side of freedom when really, they are working to establish a society built on a subservient underclass made up of people who MUST live somewhere dominated by an elitist, ruling class of people that can live anywhere.

Notice their choice of a world capital: it is NOT New York, London, Paris, or even Beijing – cities that actually produced things that contributed to the advance of civilization – it is places like Geneva and Brussels whose only “contribution” to the world is a generations long history of promoting and protecting International Finance and Banking.

The people that can live anywhere are not our friends, no matter what they say. To them, we people of the land are unimportant, expendable and replaceable. We are merely chattel, serfs or vassals. They might want to review some history, however, because the elitist, upper-class twits that seek to dominate the world are the ones actually replaced every couple of hundred years; while we people of the land endure forever.


Two interesting things happen in the book “The Day of the Triffids” written by John Wyndham in 1951 – interesting from our current perspective in the age of Covid.

First, an unusual plant is found growing in the wild. The plant, known as a Triffid, is a tall, leafy vegetable that spits poison and eats animal flesh. Although extremely dangerous, the plant produces a high-quality vegetable oil and so it is farmed extensively. No one knows exactly where Triffids come from, but it is speculated that it was bioengineered in a Soviet lab (this is written in the 1950’s) and somehow escaped or was intentionally released into the wild. Why would a research facility deliberately create and then let loose a dangerous biohazard on the world? Who knows what the Communists might have been planning? After being farmed quite profitably for awhile, something else is discovered about the Triffids: they are able to uproot themselves and move about on their own.

Well, before this development can be studied, the second thing happens. A strange meteor shower sending sparks of green light into the atmosphere astounds the world. The shower lasts long enough so that everyone on Earth who wants to witness it can do so. And, of course, most people around the world, fascinated by the green flares, watch the phenomenon intensely. The next day, everyone who observed the display wakes up permanently blind. And concurrently a strange plague infects the world killing millions. It is speculated that the Soviets had something to do with this meteor shower: that it wasn’t a meteor at all, but a satellite containing biohazardous material and strange manufactured diseases that exploded and fell to the Earth. Again, was this deliberate or accidental? No one knows and no one can verify it because at this point civilization pretty much collapses.

With most of the world blind or suffering from a plague, there is no one guarding the Triffid farms. The Triffids escape and rampage the planet feeding on the helpless humans. The only easy way to stop a Triffid is to burn it up with a flame thrower. However, few are left who can aim it, and there’s no way to get fuel. In fact, supplies of everything, including food, quickly run out not just in urban areas but even in farming communities since most people are blind and can’t work equipment, harvest anything or transport anything. It is the Day of the Triffids.

With so much chaos, authority ceases to function and humans form competing bands of scavengers trying to avoid the Triffids and get control of the few remaining resources.

It is a bleak picture.

Nothing like what we’re facing with Covid, of course. But what if something more deadly is developed in some Communist lab and “accidently” unleashed on the world? What if one of the thousands of satellites now orbiting the Earth, most of which have purposes unknown to the general public, should become weaponized and strikes the population? What will we do?

Covid has shown us that governments are useless at protecting populations and spiritually blind populations can’t appreciate the dangers all around them. The fact that the government response to crisis is simply to restrict freedom and enforce more dictatorial control over people, should make everyone concerned. It doesn’t appear to. If a true pandemic hits, whether planned (a “plandemic”) or the result of an accident, a disease that kills more than 2% of the people it infects and infects everyone, will the mask finally fall off the so-called leaders of the world? Will we finally see them for what they truly are – ruthless, power mad, despots? (I won’t say demonic – but you know what I mean.)

We aren’t likely to face Triffids – or zombies, aliens or any other sci fi tropes – but we will certainly face wars, famines and plagues. Hopefully, these won’t be the work of our own governments seeking to consolidate their strangle hold on their own people.

Room to Let

The Taliban has retaken Afghanistan. This situation did not need to happen. It is yet another blunder in U.S. Foreign Policy brought on by the U.S. president, Blundering Biden, and his entire administration. It is also a result of the ongoing actions of the Liberal Globalist deep state that seems to be running things, and has, in fact, been running things for quite some time. But is it, really, a blunder?

I am reminded of a parable told by the Lord Jesus that can be found in Luke 11:24-25 and Matthew 12:43-45. It goes something like this.

A man is possessed, but manages to have the demon expelled. The Evil Spirit then wanders around in desolate places for awhile without finding adequate rest or shelter. The demon says, “I’m getting no where flitting about like this. I’ll go back to my old house and see what’s happening there.”

The demon returns to the old house, the place from which it was evicted, the man that was once possessed. The place is clean, orderly, well maintained and, most importantly, completely empty. The happy demon moves right in and invites seven more evil spirits to live there, as well.

You see, the man evicted the Evil Spirit, renovated the property, but, then, failed to bring a Good Spirit in to occupy the space.  When you get rid of a demon (or, maybe, a bad habit) you must replace the offensive thing with something better – you must fill the void you created with something positive, desirable and strong. The Evil Spirit found the place empty and in much better shape than before. The environment would have been perfect for a Good Spirit – a wholesome tenant – but, apparently, the man did not seek a new occupant. He left it vulnerable.

That’s the situation in Afghanistan. The Taliban was expelled, 20 years ago, but no stronger ideology replaced it. Sure, there was talk of “nation building” or some such nonsense – but really, what did the Liberal Globalist military force achieve? I don’t really know, but I’m guessing, maybe some McDonald’s Restaurants opened up and maybe a Nike franchise – something along those lines. Oh, and they probably tried to get some transgender equity classes taught in the schools. Free and fair elections? (LOL)

Liberal Globalism is not an ideology that any sane person would freely embrace when alternatives are available – even if the alternative is something terrible like the Taliban version of Islam. Liberal Globalism can only be maintained by FORCE. When the U.S. occupying forces left, the Taliban easily reclaimed power. And, like the Evil Spirit in the parable, they got a much better space than they once had – weapons, military equipment, vehicles, even an air force – and trained personnel to use it all. In interviews after the take-over, the Taliban openly laughs at Liberal Globalism, social media platforms, women’s studies, free elections and Western ideas of Human Rights in general. Liberal Globalism offered the Afghan people nothing to fight for or defend.

Patriotism requires a connection to and belief in the land, the people and the principles that founded the nation. Liberal Globalism does not support any of that.

The so-called “radical Islam” that the Taliban espouses is not really all that radical. It’s the same ideology that’s been promoted for 1500 years. Liberal Globalists, who have absolutely no connection to land, nations or people, appear to have failed to realize the power of tradition and established community beliefs.

Now, the Taliban, like the Evil Spirit in the parable, are also inviting fellow evil spirits to join them in their new abode. Al-Queda, ISIL, even the Chinese Communist Party are being offered a place. And you can be sure that the CCP is not going to worry about opening up Confucius Institutes or Tai Chi schools in Afghanistan – they don’t care what the Afghan people believe in or do as long as they stay in Afghanistan. The CCP controls a lot of people already – what they want is power and resources – they will offer the Taliban leaders hard currency in exchange for lithium and other rare minerals and they will assist in marketing the fruits of the poppy fields that Afghanistan is so well known for.

Now, I’m happy to accuse the Western Liberal Globalist powers of a lot of things, but I don’t think they can be accused of stupidity – not really.  So, did they really not anticipate this situation? Did they really not understand the people of the land they occupied for 20 years? Was leaving all the military equipment behind really a mistake? Was this really just a giant blunder by the Biden Administration? Or is there a more sinister purpose behind the fall of Afghanistan?

The New Feudalism

I haven’t written a political piece in a while. There is certainly a lot going on, but it’s so depressing. The future of society – especially Western Civilization – seems pretty bleak, these days.

Today, we have people like Biden, Trudeau, Merkel, Macron, Johnson and the other so-called leaders of the Free World selling out everything of cultural value to the new Globalist regime. Western society and other cultures have already been through protracted experiments in feudalism that held back progress and dreams of freedom for centuries. Instead of learning from the past, the decadent, Luciferian world elite seem determined to usher in a new period of cultural enslavement – Globalism. Or perhaps they have learned from the past and think they can use modern technological advances to more effectively dominate the population. Globalism is a microchip, nanobot, satellite surveillance, steroid enhanced version of feudalism.

And it isn’t just European Civilization that is in jeopardy (although many nations long for its collapse). No, even the Arab World, Chinese Communism and the various dictator driven States will all fall to the false song of Globalism – a New World Order ruled from the shadows by demon haunted minds.

Feudal societies were present in many countries throughout the world for centuries. The feudal state was divided into four main classes:

  1. The Monarch who controlled all the assets and properties.
  2. The Nobles who were mostly relatives, friends or loyal supplicants of the Monarch. They were given parcels of land for their use and enjoyment. They were supposed to manage and protect the land and its people on behalf of the Monarch, but more often they just exploited the resources for their own pleasure.
  3. The Knights who were the basic functionaries of the Nobles. Their job was to fight battles, police the region, manage the population and, basically, make sure the Nobles and the Monarch got everything they wanted. They could sometimes get land of their own and advance to the lower strata of the Nobility. However, they owed everything they had to their lords.
  4. The Serfs who owned nothing and did all the work in exchange for being allowed the privilege of living with some semblance of peace and security. If they were particularly loyal or somehow developed a useful skill, it was possible for them to advance in society.

Adding to the mix were the Clergy, who were similar to the class of Nobles, and various entertainers and craftsmen who did not own or work the land, but provided services and amusement to the upper classes.

Very slowly, a new class emerged known today as the Middle Class. This was made up of merchants, doctors, lawyers, teachers, scholars, inventors, builders, and others who were able to acquire capital independent of the handouts from the Nobility. This independence from the Upper Classes is the crucial point – the reason this group of individuals is so dangerous to Feudalism and, in fact, to Globalism. The American, French, Russian, Chinese and virtually every other revolution of the past 500 years or more has been instigated and led by the Middle Class – people with independent capital and resources who can harness their power to accomplish their goals. This is why the Middle Class is under attack from Globalist mercenaries.

Business interests, health care, education, finance, information technology, energy production, construction, maintenance services, even sports and entertainment are all coming under the purview of Government – Big Government as it is called. When all business activity, professions and trades are controlled by the government you have Feudal Socialism. Extend this form of economic planning and social engineering across the world state and you have the Globalist agenda.

Interestingly, todays plutocrats – Bezos, Gates, Soros, etc. – are NOT the Monarchs in this system. They are at best the equivalent of the Nobles. The true Monarchs are shadowy figures who, like the old Shadow of the comic books, have the power to cloud people’s minds – but they use this power for evil, not for good.

The Knights are the politicians, generals, bureaucrats and lobbyists who make sure everyone obeys the new rules of society. And you can add in the entertainers, journalists, intellectuals and other propagandists who enthusiastically spread the praises of the elite and their doctrines.

The Serfs are pretty much the same – though they might think themselves better off. They own nothing of value, spend all they earn and look to the government and their betters for the fulfillment of all their needs. They are grateful for the opportunity to perpetually serve and protect the State.

The only way to defend against the New Feudalism, the false song of Globalism, is to do the unthinkable: WAKE UP! Wake up anyway you can. Wake yourself up and then help those around you wake up.

Whether you are a Liberal or Conservative; mystic or skeptic; servant or master – there can be no benefit to aligning yourself with the Shadow Lords of the New World Order who seek to dominate you – mind, body and soul.

Marcus Aurelius

Who is Marcus Aurelius?

Aurelius was born in 121 A.D. and became Emperor of Rome in 161 A.D. Considered the last of the “five good emperors,” Aurelius led Rome in the final days of the Pax Romana, the great Roman peace established by Augustine in 27 B.C. He died in the year 180.

Despite being the most powerful man of his time and being fabulously wealthy, Aurelius patterned himself as a Stoic philosopher and is sometimes referred to as the “Philosopher King.” He led a simple, contemplative life and is the author of an important philosophical and spiritual book called “the Meditations.”

Stoicism is not just a philosophy or intellectual pursuit; Stoics consider it a way of life. To the Stoic, the highest good is to lead a life of virtue. The route to virtue is the practice of prudence, justice, temperance and courage.

Stoicism was founded by the Greek philosopher Zeno in the 3rd century B.C. The name itself refers simply to the “stoa poikile,” the painted porch where Zeno and his followers met to discuss their ideas.

One of the most important of the ancient Stoic philosophers was Epictetus. He lived from 50 to 135 A.D. He was born a slave, but acquired his freedom and by the end of his life he was respected as one of the wisest men of his age and, perhaps, the only truly free man because he lived his philosophy with a vigor.

Epictetus taught that external events are beyond our control – thus, we should accept whatever happens to us or around us calmly and dispassionately. At the same time, individuals are responsible for their own internal experiences and their own actions. The internal life should be examined and controlled through rigorous self-discipline.

Epictetus greatly influenced the thought and life style of Marcus Aurelius and he is quoted often in “the Meditations.”

Aurelius lived in troubled times. His reign was marked by wars and uprisings and political difficulties. Aurelius, however, began his philosophical training as a young man; thus, he was prepared for the struggle when he became emperor. Aurelius did all that was expected of him as leader of his people and worked diligently for what he considered the good of the empire while also maintaining his own inner discipline. He endeavored to master his thoughts, feelings and passions despite the turmoil going on around him.

In a simple form, his philosophy might be seen as a precursor to the often-quoted Serenity Prayer of modern-day theologian Reinhold Niebuhr – “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Aurelius was by no means a Christian. More likely he was a Pantheist seeing God as encompassing all existence rather than as a separate being or personal savior. But he shared the same spiritual understanding.

The life of Marcus Aurelius shows that even someone with vast privilege and authority can aspire to a nobler, pious and mystical existence.

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