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Common Characteristics of Happy People

There’s a famous quote by John Lennon: “When I went to school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up – I wrote down “happy”. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”

What does it mean to be happy? What does it take?

Abraham Lincoln observed that “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

After reviewing the subject for a while, I’ve made up my mind that there are at least 12 common characteristics of happy people.

1/ they stand up for themselves.

2/ they’re honest and sincere with others and with themselves: they live their values.

3/ they enjoy listening to music.

4/ they recognize the good things in their lives and know how to show their gratitude and appreciation.

5/ they know how to give and also receive love, compassion and affection.

6/ they’re patient with people and things around them.

7/ they’re excited about life and look forward to learning, discovering and engaging in new and interesting activities and adventures – especially new thoughts, ideas, and creative pursuits.

8/ they want what’s best for the people around them as well as for themselves. They fully understand the significance of self-care and wellbeing and make sure that they constantly work toward strengthening their mental health and fitness.

9/ they are naturally optimistic

10/ they know they have a purpose on this earth and seek to fulfill it. They know how to live their passion.

11/ they understand the power of forgiveness, for themselves and others.

12/ they accept that there is a higher power in the Universe and enjoy the feeling of connecting to it.

These characteristics open a person up to the possibility of being happy even if the circumstances of life appear harsh or upsetting. Being happy is a state of mind, an inner process, rather than a product of the environment. And being happy doesn’t necessarily mean you walk around with a big smile on your face all the time. Happiness is an inner sense of peace, confidence, acceptance and belief in the possibility of good things in life.

How many of these characteristics do you share? What can you do now to increase your own sense of happiness and wellbeing? Being happy takes action, focus and the perception of optimism.

As I say many times in these posts a first step is to wake up – wake yourself up anyway you can, using whatever methods or processes are at your disposal. Wake up and then go out and wake up everyone else. In this way you can increase your own happiness and the happiness of the world.


Space Force

I remember watching Star Trek – the original series – when I was a kid.  It impacted my outlook on life in many ways.   The action on the show confirmed my ideas of conservatism, individual liberty and the rule of law. It also enhanced some aspects of my spirituality by depicting the wonders of the natural world and the possibility of life in a variety of forms gloriously engaging with the Universe. 

I’m sure progressives and Globalists hate Captain Kirk for his unapologetic virility, patriotism, and manly dedication to the service of his people – ideas labeled “toxic” these days – but, for me, Kirk was inspirational. A military man committed to the pursuit of justice and truth, ready to fight and fight hard if need be, but also quick to talk and to reason with others at any time. Few of Kirk’s enemies remained enemies for long because his empowering sense of what was possible and good for civilization was unbeatable.

My first, overly hopeful thought upon hearing of President Trump’s plan for a Space Force was that it would be a kind of Star Fleet with men like Kirk commissioned to explore the galaxy and expand the limits of civilization. Of course, such an organization is decades, if not centuries, away. Humanity is only now beginning to see the real possibility of colonizing other worlds.

For years the dreams of exploration and discovery held by watchers of Star Trek- the original series, were withheld and squandered by politicians, bureaucrats and cowardly scientists who preferred an easily exploitable Earth bound existence. People who become astronauts embody an incredible spirit of freewheeling adventure – as President Trump observed, astronauts combine “the confidence of a cowboy, the skill of a fighter pilot, the ambition of a scientist, and the courage of a true, brilliant, tough warrior.” Such people are hard to control. They are fearless and strive to do the impossible. A whole fleet of such individuals would revolutionize the planet in ways the Globalists, plutocrats and progressive could never survive.

Space Force will have a more prosaic mission – to protect American space-based assets and prevent rogue states and terrorist groups from using advances in technology to attack civilization with missiles and satellites. However, in the not too distant future, when flights to the moon, Mars and beyond become more common place, the mission will no doubt expand to protecting travelers from spacefaring brigands and pirates, providing rescue services, enforcing laws and arbitrating disputes among other nations to prevent warrior states from stopping the advance of off-world exploration and colonization. It could also act as the ultimate defense against threats from deep space such as asteroids and comets that might collide with the Earth.

Space Force is just the first step in the new and exciting phase of humanity’s journey: a phase in which we will begin to take our rightful place among the stars.


Bye-Bye Hollywood

I used to love going to movies. I’d go two or three times a week – and if I could get a “double bill” or a “TRIPLE bill” I was ecstatic. There were so many great movies made in Hollywood and even the not so great, low budget pics were fun and entertaining.

And the stars – real stars – John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Sydney Poitier, Raquel Welsh, Faye Dunaway, Steve McQueen, Bruce Lee, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Pryor, Bette Davis, Vincent Price, Burt Reynolds, Charles Bronson, Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson, Sean Connery and so many more – a mixed bag of talent, for sure, but always worth watching. Even now seeing an old movie on TV featuring one of these actors is great fun.

And TV itself was incredible – one great show after another – comedy, drama, mystery, sci-fi, action – there was always something to watch even when there were only 10 or 12 channels available.

But now, the fun is gone because I’m forced to hear the vapid social and political views of every celebrity on screen. Not just actors (which is bad enough) but directors, writers, singers, comics and talk show hosts.

Look, I’m sure Alyssa Milano and Stephen Colbert are geniuses and everything – but I don’t think their opinions are any more valid than the opinion of the local plumber. In fact, I’d value the plumber’s opinion more because of the real life experience that informs it. The trouble is that the MEDIA does not want to interview the plumber, the media is paid to push the utterances of “stars” no matter how inane. And now because of technological innovations and the explosion of social media, the “legacy media” can repeat and comment on a seemingly infinite amount of self-righteous lunacy spouted by far too many of todays “celebrity elites.”

I grew up in the 20th century and there was a whole lot of stuff going on in those days that needed attention. And movie stars took political stances all the time – as they rightfully should. They just didn’t go around branding themselves as “Social Justice Warriors.” I don’t recall any movie or television star ever saying that if I didn’t support their political views, they didn’t want me as a fan or viewer. I don’t even know the political views of most of the old time movie stars (some, of course, were obvious) and whatever their views were, whether I agreed with them or not, didn’t seem to spoil the entertainment value of their movies.

Maybe it was just the writing and directing that was better back then – or the understanding that show business is a BUSINESS and alienating whole classes of potential customers is a mistake. Look at how terrible pretty much every remake, reboot, or re-imagining of an old classic movie has turned out. Mostly because instead of just telling a story, the scripts have to be crammed full of every kind of politically correct message and trope. It’s nonsense and crap – yet I’m told in no uncertain terms that if I don’t like the new “improved” version I must be a monster that should be forced out of society.

Well, the new breed of celebrity – the SJWs, the virtue signalers, the outraged artistes – have made themselves very clear. Meryl Streep, Michael Moore, Ashley Judd, Rob Reiner, Seth Rogen, Seth McFarlane, Debra Messing, John Leguizamo, Jennifer Lawrence, Samuel L. Jackson, Jim Carrey, Amy Schumer, Jonny Depp and so many other movie actors, TV actors, recording artists, writers, directors, producers and “personalities” have stated in no uncertain terms that they do not want anyone who does not 100% agree with their view of the world as fans or viewers. And they insist that all their new productions will aggressively conform to their ideology despite what the rest of the world thinks. It’s their way or the highway. Case closed.

To be honest with you, I can’t think of too many great movies or TV shows made in the 21st century – at least not the new Hollywood style movies. I certainly don’t expect many to be made in the next 10 years. And since the celebrities only want neo-Marxist, Globalist, ultra liberal, atheist fans, they can go on without me. I’ll be fine re-watching my DVDs of Bob Hope, Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne and Clint Eastwood and whatever plays on the Turner Classic Movies channel.

Bye-bye, Hollywood, it was fun while it lasted.

Are You Spiritual?

How do you know you are SPIRITUAL and not just weird?

These days it might be hard to tell. But if you are doing most of these 12 things on a regular basis, you just might be a spiritual person.

1) You love looking out at the stars.

The Mystery and Grandeur of the Universe really appeals to you and gives you a feeling of “connection.”

2) You prefer happy thoughts to sad or boring.

Thoughts are energy – and a positive mindset puts you in touch with the beautiful energy of the Universe.

3) You tend to help people whenever possible.

The Law of Abundance, the Golden Rule, or the message of Karma – whatever you want to call it if you’re a natural “do-gooder” you’re probably linked to the spiritual goodness of the Universe.

4) You enjoy being out in Nature.

Toxic lifestyles and harsh thoughts serve no one, so the more you seek to clear your head and return to a positive mental and physical balance found in Nature, the more you’re naturally tuning up your own spiritual energy, or vibration, to the source of all things Spiritual.

5) You are guided in life by your intuition

That inner voice is your constant companion.

6) You believe in and support “the Truth”

The truth isn’t just what you want to be true, it’s the reality that’s there despite your beliefs and desires. If you can tell the difference, you are truly spiritual.

7) You think life should be honored

If you’re aware that this reality you’re experiencing is a gift and you choose to honor yourself and be present, you are indeed engaging in a very spiritual perception.

8) You appreciate the significance of all kinds of life – from the smallest to the largest.

Mystics recognize that the life flowing through all creatures – bugs to mammals, reptiles to birds – is equal, and beautiful no matter the size of the being or its perceived importance in the world.

9) You understand the power and benefits of forgiveness

Forgiveness takes a burden off you and let’s you interact more effectively with the world.

10) You really don’t like “Drama”

If you’re regularly seeking a way out of dramatic settings and looking for higher energy activities that leave you feeling restored, refreshed, and happy, you’re naturally calling spirituality into your life.

11) You love being in new places

This includes internal states as well as external environments.

12) You greatly appreciate humor and laughter

Especially if you can laugh at yourself – because is there anyone sillier than you in the Universe? Think about it.

Wake Up, Punchy!

President Trump recently called out a former Hollywood actor for behaving like a boxer who had taken too many punches to the head. “Wake up, Punchy!” he said, with the hope that the actor would come to his senses. When a fighter gets hit in the head too many times, he can become “punch drunk,” a condition in which the person becomes unable to think, act or speak normally as though intoxicated or over tired. Repeated blows to the head can also lead to severe, permanent brain damage.

This particular actor is quite old, and used to be a movie star in the 70’s playing tough, masculine anti-heroes.  He now, basically, lives off his old glory days, and has become one of those odd, eccentric characters who shouts at clouds and screams out insane left wing rhetoric at inappropriate occasions. It is extremely unlikely he has been in a physical altercation for over 40 years thus, his punch drunk state is due to more metaphysical blows to the head. He’s been attacked by thoughts his tired brain can’t cope with.

This, unfortunately, is a condition more and more people are beginning to experience. There’s a lot going on in the world and with ever expanding social media and telecommunications networks even the most out of touch individual is bombarded with an inordinate amount of random information. Processing this information is difficult without some practice. The Globalists and plutocrats that assume they rule the world do not want people to practice thinking and reasoning.  Thinking and reasoning gets in the way of human servitude. A confused populace is far easier to control. When a person is totally confused there are basically only two reactions they can have: run rampant or latch onto any stable idea that comes to them and cling to it for dear life, even if that idea is total nonsense. Either reaction will benefit the Globalists. If you run rampant you inspire fear and confusion in other people who will then turn to the “masters” for protection. If you accept the approved, stable idea, you become a willing slave.   

Celebrities or anyone who seeks public approval, such as politicians,  are more likely to become metaphysically punch drunk because they are used to suppressing their own thoughts and following the dictates of others. Imagine spending your whole life listening to teachers, trainers, agents, managers, promoters, directors, producers, editors, sponsors or other guides and benefactors – how would you ever learn how to think? Now surround yourself with sycophants, drug dealers, procurers, and other “artists” with equally stunted thought processes and you have the recipe for lunacy.

It’s no wonder that celebrities lean towards extremist ideologies that reinforce the strange beliefs that they are brilliant creators responsible for purifying the world.


 The poor, old, punch drunk, former movie star who routinely threatens to beat up the President of the United States in order to save the country is just one example of this metaphysical brain damage that infects celebrities, media pundits and politicians.  


I don’t think there’s any hope of saving the alt-left, over privileged, celebrity radicals in the world – their confusion runs too deep. But there is hope for the somewhat normal people that might be reading this. You have to wake up! Wake up anyway you can. Wake yourself up and then go out and wake up everyone else. Find a moment of clarity and strive to free yourself of the metaphysical drunken state that has now become far too common. Do what you need to do and wake up, Punchy.

Christianity and Socialism

A lot of people want to equate Christianity with Socialism. Even the Pope seems to believe Christianity is some sort of socialist religion. This is absurd. A basic look at Christian doctrine completely contradicts the socialist position.

Christianity is NOT a socialist religion. Christ is a KING! And who ever heard of a socialist king?


King Jesus is certainly caring and compassionate and propagandists claim these are socialist traits – but let’s be realistic, socialist leaders are not known for their compassion – at least not those that actually have power. Consider Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez, Guevara, Kim – these men and their comrades were responsible for the painful deaths of well over 100,000,000 people in the 20th century, and the torture and enslavement of millions more. Socialists are not kind or considerate once in power.

King Jesus might be better described as an Enlightened Monarch or even a benevolent dictator – he is certainly not a socialist. Was Moses a socialist? How about King David, King Solomon or Emperor Constantine – were they socialists?

Here are some specific differences between Socialism and Christianity:

1/ Socialism is materialistic and godless. Socialists view all problems as economic and based on the unequal distribution of wealth. There is no need for God in this world, only material assets controlled by people with the “correct,” State approved mind set. Christianity, on the other hand, sees the world in a spiritual light with physical interactions being a mere prelude to a more glorious life to come. Economic issues are unimportant in the grander scheme of God’s universe.

2/ Following on this, Socialism seeks to re-distribute wealth regardless of any moral virtues. The rich are always bad and the poor are always good. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit” but he didn’t mean economically poor – he meant those who realize their need for God and salvation. In Socialism the rich are to be punished and the poor rewarded despite their values or shortcomings. In Christianity those with spiritual attitudes in line with God are raised up – whether rich or poor.

3/ Continuing, Socialism has no problem robbing the rich to give to the poor. Some claim that this is something Robin Hood did – this is false! Robin Hood took improper and excessive taxes away from the corrupt officials and returned it to the people from whom it was stolen – this is completely different. The real Robin Hood is more in line with Christian attitudes. Christianity supports private property and keeping what one earns. Socialism would steal private property from its lawful owners and give it to whomever the controllers deem worthy – From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

4/ Socialism, in fact, encourages class warfare and envy. The rich are demonized and all society’s ills are placed on their door step. While it is true that Christianity advocates for the poor when they are genuinely oppressed by the rich, even fearlessly calling out kings when they abuse their power, nowhere in Christian doctrine does it say that the poor are entitled to the fruits of another’s labor or that they have the right to demand coveted riches.

5/ One final point:  It has long been known that married couples and close-knit families, have more economic strength and opportunities as well as stronger spiritual values. Socialism, from the beginning, has sought to destroy the family structure and replace it with dependence on the State, for all economic, relationship, educational and values driven needs.  A State-centric society is definitely NOT a Christian society. There is really nothing Christian about Socialism, despite what left wing interests would assert.



Lest We Forget

FILE - A Friday, Nov. 11, 2016 file photo showing a banner with the silhouette of troops and a large red poppy with the words 'Lest We Forget' is held up by a fan prior to the start of the World Cup 2018 Group F qualification soccer match between England and Scotland at Wembley stadium in London. FIFA is set to relax the rules that ban teams from commemorating non-sporting events at soccer matches in response to high-profile disputes with British associations over honoring war dead. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein, File)

In Flanders Fields

John McCrae1872 – 1918

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row, 
That mark our place, and in the sky, 
The larks, still bravely singing, fly, 
Scarce heard amid the guns below. 

We are the dead; short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, 
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields. 

poppy flowers

Take up our quarrel with the foe! 
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high! 
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

flanders field

Spiritual vs. Religious



Many people claim to be spiritual rather than religious. They accept that a higher power exists and works in their lives but they don’t go to Church or connect themselves with a particular religion or religious denomination. This has become a standard refrain of modern people in the West as established institutions, ideologies and traditional values decline in relevance. It sounds like a nice contrast from atheism or pure materialistic beliefs.

The problem with this idea is that it leaves out, for many people using the term, the fact that not all spiritual forces are benevolent. Spirit can be both positive and negative just as human desire can be both positive and negative. When people suggest that they are spiritual or connected to spirit, rather than religious, they forget that demons are also spiritual beings, no less than angels. So-called spiritual people could be embracing demonic influences without even knowing it.


angel and demon

But wait – are demons real?

Why shouldn’t they be? It is hard to argue that negative forces are not at work in the world. And it is hard to argue that many people who commit negative actions believe they are doing good work. Hitler and his closest advisers all considered themselves spiritual and thought they were doing God’s will. Leaders of murderous cults throughout history believed they were acting on the side of angels. Members of the Islamic State believe they are following the will of God and not just being demented psychopaths (although to be fair they consider themselves “religious” rather than “Spiritual”).

When you make a choice to adopt a spiritual life, be sure to check what SPIRIT is encouraging you to do. The reason Christians talk about a HOLY SPIRIT is because many other spirits exist and many of them seek to influence people. How do you know if your spirituality is positive rather than negative? Negative spirits proclaim that reality is completely subjective, nothing is true and all things are permissible. There is no right path and everyone’s judgement is equal. This might sound pleasing to people but what is pleasing to humans isn’t necessarily best thing for them.



The Master Jesus said this:

“Enter through the narrow gate. The gate that leads to destruction is wide and broad and many enter through it. But the gate that leads to life is small and narrow, and only a few find it.

“Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them…Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

“Not everyone who calls Me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, we prophesied in Your name and we cast out demons in Your name and performed many miracles.’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’”

(Matthew 7:13 – 23)

Ultimately, each of us must decide for ourselves what spiritual path to follow – we must understand, however, that different paths do exist and choose our own path wisely.

How can you decide? First you have to wake up – wake up anyway you can – wake yourself up and then wake up everyone else. You can only make good choices when your eyes are open.


jesus vs satan


Anti-Socialism Movies

Hollywood is known as a hotbed of Socialist and Globalist sentiments. But this wasn’t always the case. When Russia was known as the Soviet Union and posed an actual rather than an imaginary threat to democracy, talented artists tried to show what the world would be like under a Globalist regime. True artists know that Globalism is a threat to creativity, freedom and individuality.

The following 12 films expressed fears of Globalism as dystopian sci-fi fantasies. Even in the old days one couldn’t be too obvious in one’s anti-globalist sentiments – the socialist infiltration of the universities and bureaucracies had begun as early as the end of WW1. The movies had to be imaginative, even cartoonish, or people might get upset.

If you haven’t seen these movies here is a spoiler – very often the Globalists win and the hero is crushed or marginalized. That’s the real scary thing about the movies – not the monsters, robots, and nightmare imagery – the scary part is that the individual, the free thinker, the champion is most often defeated and the Globalist world prevails.

Another thing about these movies – many were made by Liberals – smart liberals who understood that Socialism, though a nice fantasy, doesn’t work in the real world.

Here are the movies in no particular order. I’ve linked them to Wikipedia.


Metropolis 1927

(the downtrodden poor toil in misery while the elite party)

Soylent Green 1973

(when everyone is totally dependent on the State, how does the State provide for them?)

Idiocracy 2006

(Socialists implement dumb ideas like replacing all water with “Brawndo” (Gatorade) since it has electrolytes)

They Live 1988

(the aliens are actually the Globalist elite hiding in plain sight among us)

1984 1984

(this is about the evils of Socialism – Big Brother is pretty much a stronger Bernie Sanders)

Fahrenheit 451 1966

(the State provides all knowledge and entertainment – so why would you need books?)

Harrison Bergeron 1995

(to make everyone equal, it’s easier to beat down the strong than to elevate the weak)

Rollerball 1975

(the only important people are those approved of by the State – everyone else is expendable)

The Time Machine 1960

(the Globalist monsters hidden underground raise beautiful people as food)

Videodrome 1983

(people who watch a lot of mediocre State sanctioned TV are easier to control)

The Trial 1962

(to Globalists, everyone is guilty until they prove their innocence – even if they don’t know the crime)

Brazil 1985

(Socialist bureaucracy run rampant)

Who takes polls?

I recently got a phone call from a 1-888 number. Of course I didn’t take it. Who would? On a private line, I want to know who I am talking to. If no identification shows up or I don’t know / care about the entity identified I’m not taking the call. That’s what voice mail is for. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you.

I don’t think I’m very different from most people in this regard. Who takes phone calls from unknown callers? If you’re in some sort of business, I can understand it – otherwise? Who’s taking these calls?

There was a message or partial message on my voice mail – Angus Reid press 1 for English or something. It was a polling company. Who takes polls and surveys? Who provides information for all these – as far as I’m concerned – erroneous polls?

Can’t control who takes the survey. Bias – predisposition to a certain point of view. Volunteer Bias – people who take the survey may have a different outlook from those who don’t.

This is not the 50’s or 60’s when every phone call was perceived of as important and voice mail did not exist. This is the age of portable computers with a small phone attachment for emergencies. E-mail, texting and social media have replaced most person to person contact. I can’t believe, in this century, that people who answer every call when they don’t have to represent a rational majority of people. And if you’re forced to answer each call for business reasons, who can waste 20 minutes taking a survey?


Under Coverage: failing to include all the target population in the sampling frame. Substituting a convenient member of a population fro a designated member who is not readily available. Non Response: failing to obtain adequate number of responses from the chosen sample. Allowing Samples to consist entirely of volunteers, such is the case with radio and television call in polls, and the statistics cannot be trusted.


You’re left with lonely people, people with too much time on their hands or people desperate to have their opinion known. These segments of the population simply do not represent the view of the masses no matter how loudly they express themselves. They certainly don’t represent my views. Polling of these groups will always be skewed in weird ways. Just look at the 2016 U.S. presidential race – the polls had Hillary Clinton with a 98% chance of winning right up to the day before the election. So wrong!

wrong polls

bad polls

Maybe I should participate in polls and surveys  so that my views are represented – but I can’t work with the current polling systems. Polling companies have to come up with some other way of getting information or settle for a completely inaccurate world view. The majority opinion simply cannot be represented using phone polling. Just as it can no longer be represented by people who agree to a door-to-door interview. Counting social media likes and re-posts is probably a more accurate system although this also has its flaws. It is the preferred system for advertisers – where accuracy leads to financial rewards. Pollsters have to come up with better ways of determining the mood and focus of a nation or risk another debacle like the 2016 presidential election that was wrong, wrong, wrong on so many levels.

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