Let’s continue with this exercise.

I think it’s important to learn to resist the influence of the ungodly. In this age of mass indoctrination, gaining access to the source of true knowledge and meaning will help block out the negative world views that intrude on our awareness.

Now, you’re beginning to separate the sensations of the external world from your own inner awareness. You start to realize that what you experience has a lot to do with your own interpretation of the experience.

Continue to notice your thoughts. Sit quietly and experience thoughts, emotions, preconceptions, opinions …

Be an impartial observer who doesn’t get involved in the drama of events and happenstance. Be alert and interested, yet remain apart.

Just what are your thoughts? What comes up for you as you sit quietly and observe?

This isn’t about analysis. It isn’t about acceptance, rejection, agreement or conflict. It isn’t about liking or disliking these things you perceive or imagine. It’s just about noticing them.

Let each thought flow freely and unfettered, no matter how provoking or tempting it may be. Let any emotion or sensation just be what it is.

Remember, you are the One who experiences these things; you are NOT the cause. Not yet. These things are just happening around you.

Continue, steadily, easily, without interference, experiencing your own inner life – let it happen, relax, accept it. Experience without judgement.

Acknowledge – “I am NOT the one who thinks; I am the one who NOTICES the thoughts.”

Forget about “trying” to meditate or do an exercise – just sit. Let the thoughts and perceptions come as they may.

You might find yourself being attached to one particular thought and you might start to dwell on it. Once you realize you are doing this STOP and let the thought go its way. Give equal, uninvolved attention to every thought, image and impression that comes up.

The effort lies in realizing the experience of what you are thinking. How many and how few thoughts, emotions, impressions, or what each one is or appears to be is less important than the realization that there are thoughts that you experience that seem to come from outside you. They are there. What they “mean” is up to you – your inner self. For now, they should mean nothing – they are just thoughts that appear to you – they are only as real and lasting as you allow them to be.

There are many ways of thinking – a different way for each of us. Pictures, emotions, words, sensations: anything might come to you. Notice them only as an uninterested observer.

Continue this practice as long as you like (and notice whether you like it or not). Do it as often as you choose. There will be more guidance to come.

Until then –

 Love and blessings and all good wishes for Peace Profound.