If you want to get the attention of the President of the United States, tell him your problems, ask for a favor, receive some benefits, it’s quite easy – all you have to do is buy one of his fifty-year-old son’s new finger paintings for half a million dollars and you’re in. That’s the state of material politics, these days: bribery, grift, pandering and a bit of leveraging will get you just about anything.

But suppose you want the attention of Universal Intelligence, the Divine Spirit, the Supreme Being, GOD – how do you do that?

Well, according to the self-indulgent, materialistic, fake “spiritual leaders” that the left-wing, elitist entertainers seem to love – pretty much the same way. To them, God is a wish granting genie in the sky, or a cosmic dragon prepared to bargain away pieces of his treasure horde to the right sort of people. All you have to do is spend some money on gifts for his friends or favorite groups, make a few promises, negotiate a little and say the magic words – “I love Oprah” or something to that effect – and you can get anything you want. The “secret,” however, is that you really have to believe in your own B.S. cosmic principles or at least be persuasive enough to convince the dragon that you really believe.

Nonsense, you say – yet millions of gullible souls in the modern world go along with it since the “popular people” tell them it’s OK.

For validation of these so-called “cosmic principles,” celebrity gurus will even point to the words of Lord Jesus in the Gospels when He says “seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you, ask and you will receive.” (Matthew 7:7) Here, the fakers completely misrepresent the Master’s words. He is not talking about material things, but Spiritual things. He is saying seek for and ask for Salvation, Enlightenment, Universal Harmony, Oneness with Spirit, entrance to the Kingdom of God. These things will be given to you, not wealth, power, fame and physical gratification. It’s the “Other Guy” that’s all about sex, money and power.

You see, when you are Enlightened, things like wealth, power and fame are irrelevant. You might need them for fulfilling a particular cosmic mission, but you aren’t going to want them or seek them for yourself.

So, how do you get God’s attention and receive spiritual Enlightenment? Well, bribery, grift, pandering, leverage and bargaining aren’t the way to go. And even people that give to charity, do good deeds and are basically nice to everyone, don’t always become Enlightened. There are also no “magic words.” Whether you follow Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism or some other authentic, traditional path, the way to Enlightenment is the same: you have to want it more than anything else, and you have to keep going after it for as long as it takes. You must gradually give up all other desires and meditate on Oneness. What is required is commitment and understanding of the true value of what you are after. Enlightenment is “the pearl of great price.” (Matthew 13:45-46) Keep seeking, keep asking, keep knocking on the door until you achieve your goal.

It is not an easy path; it is not a path for the many. But it is the sure path to awakening.

“For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to Life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)