We live in a world of information. Facts, figures, opinions, viewpoints come at us from all angles – some information is accurate and some, well, not so accurate. It’s hard to tell the truth from untruth. Information abounds from multiple sources that one person or another, one organization or another, avows is correct while others, equally vehemently, avow is fake.

The media, politicians, scientists, educators, friends, employers, celebrities – they all want you to accept, believe and affirm the things they consider to be “real truth.”

How can you tell what to believe?

External information sources are always going to be questionable. And when these sources declare themselves authorities and forbid you to question them, you know you have problems.

But there is one source that really is reliable: it is your own Inner Voice – the part of you that is connected to Universal Intelligence.

How can you tell if the inner voice speaking to you is really connected to Universal Intelligence or is just echoing back the information you’ve picked up from external sources? The answer is to learn to make distinctions between the two, and this requires some practice with meditation and personal, mystical contact with the Divinity within you.

Here is an exercise to get you started on your path to experiencing Inner Awareness.


We all have different levels and degrees of mobility, yet, I hope that each of you has at least one position you can assume that is comfortable while at the same time allowing you to remain alert. Traditionally, a straight back pose while sitting on the floor is encouraged, but this is not an absolute – do what you can with the abilities you have. Meditation and connection to the Divine transcends all physical barriers. When you have found your special position, close your eyes and allow yourself to rest.

Just do that, at first, and when you have gotten used to being in the pose start becoming aware of your surroundings. Let your awareness extend in all directions. Use sound or touch to experience everything around you. Allow yourself to become aware of all the sounds or sensations in your environment.

Consciousness, like an uncovered candle flame, projects in all directions. It casts its energy on everything without discrimination. Consciousness, perceives everything with equal interest. It is only later that judgements are made about what is perceived. Remain, now, in the non-judgmental state – the state of merely being aware on the information that comes to you.

Notice a car in the street, a clock ticking somewhere, a radio or TV playing next door. Or, notice the texture of your clothes, the feeling of what you are sitting on, a slight breeze, the difference in temperatures on different sides of your body. Allow yourself to perceive everything, all experiences at once. Take in all the information without judgment. That’s all. Just allow yourself to be aware of the world around you.

Do this for, perhaps, 5 or 15 minutes a day. Do the exercise at home or while you are out. Do it just a few minutes at a time. Experience unfiltered, actual, information coming to you without the confusion of other people’s interpretation. Become aware of yourself in your own space without discriminating one item from another.  

Soon you will begin to understand that all the “news” and “communication” that pushes itself upon you is only as valuable as the interpretations you chose to give them.

Until next time – Love and Blessings and all good wishes for Peace Profound.