Spirituality * Culture * Self-Expression

Tag: Globalism

The Fall

Fall is another word for Autumn, the season before Winter. But that’s not what I’m talking about in this post – unless we count the Fall as the time leading up to the bleak, cold, brutal days before the end of a cycle.

The Fall I’m talking about is the fall of civilization – a time that could very well be upon us.

We are experiencing crazy ideologies sweeping the planet, twisting people’s minds and spirits; wars and civil unrest breaking out in every developed and undeveloped country; strange diseases and environmental catastrophes bringing on death and economic upheaval – and all manner of attacks on the time-honored beliefs, traditions and institutions that have advanced human society. What is the cause? What dark forces want the world to end? The world we grew up in? These can’t be readily named, but their representatives seem to have been active for a very long time and their efforts are achieving their end – the end of decency, hope and individual achievement and happiness.

Here’s a graphic example of the devastation of morality that’s befallen the West. In 1965, before the degrading influence of Globalization was championed by almost every world leader and celebrity, pornography for the average teenager consisted of underwear ads in the Sears Catalogue. Today, gay, cannibalistic pedophile porn is an option for just about anyone of any age with access to the Internet. This isn’t some accident or unforeseen side effect of technology – the obliteration of social normality, self-esteem and a basic view of morals is the clear objective of the dark forces working for cultural dominance.

This degradation isn’t being brought on by the traditional enemies of the West, by anti-capitalist nations – countries that advocate communism, fascism, totalitarianism, etc. strongly oppose this degeneracy and mock the West for tolerating it. It is also condemned by both Orthodox Christianity and Islam: two opposing religions that now find themselves facing a common enemy – demon inspired Globalism.

It is the ungodly billionaire class that is bringing on the degradation and fall of the West from right within our own society.

For 500 years, those who sought personal prosperity were responsible for building the civilized world we know – Technology, medicine, industry, security were all advanced by those seeking individual wealth and power. The benefits generated by the achievements of the prosperous included the freedom, security and opportunity enjoyed by the average person living in a Western nation. No more. Now, it seems that most of those who have made it to the top and enjoy extraordinary financial success, the ones who advocate for Globalism, are pulling the ladders up after them so no one else can make the climb and are pouring hot, liquid degeneracy down upon the rest of us – the way feudal lords would pour burning oil down on enemies trying to breach the walls of their castle. The old billionaire class at least pretended to be godly to preserve the social order – the new billionaires are blatantly anti-religious and if they secretly worship a spirit its something like Moloch and Abaddon. They have nothing but contempt for the middle-class and all euro-Christian values and traditions. Thus, for them, it has become a pleasure to corrupt the masses.

Look, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your lot in life – to advance your position in society. There’s nothing wrong with seeking prosperity and wealth. But, as we say, what benefit do you get from gaining the whole world if in the process you lose your soul?

We have to wake up. Although it is true that foreign powers are actively seeking our destruction, the real threat to our way of life and the most likely cause of the Fall of Western civilization is from the people who are supposed to be our leaders. These degenerate forces are the cancer cells destroying our body from within. To stop the spread of this malignancy we must strengthen our immune system by bathing in the radiance of the Love of Divine Spirit and resist the temptations offered by the New World Order.

We Must Live Somewhere; They Can Live Anywhere

There’s a saying: Some people can live anywhere, but others have to live somewhere.

This is one of the many divisions facing society, today. Some of us have a homeland, a culture, a tradition, a spiritual connection to a community. We must live somewhere. We can’t just pick up and leave a place anytime we want to – it’s a challenge. And when we arrive at a new place, we make a commitment to stay there. We are bound to the land, the people, the institutions.

This is not the case for others. For some people, wealthy Globalists in particular, physical location is temporary. They can live anywhere. They have abandoned their roots. They have no connection to place; no sense of national identity. For them, flying off to Paris for lunch and then spending a month in Hong Kong on a whim is a common event. There’s nothing keeping them in the land of their birth. Cultural heritage is irrelevant and citizenship is just a formality – totally unimportant.

This was not always the case. While the old rich, people with generational wealth, the hidden controllers of society could always live anywhere, they seldom did so as it would attract too much attention. They did however run their business interests internationally. But the other rich, the stereotypical rich people of the past who made their fortunes in their own lifetimes – cattle barons, oil tycoons, real estate moguls – they owed their wealth to the land. You couldn’t move 100,000 head of cattle across the ocean on a whim or uproot an oil well. Even retail stores such as Macy’s, Eaton’s, Woolworths, etc. had fixed locations. And, similarly, creative organizations like film makers were tied to the land. If you wanted to make a big, successful movie in the past, you had to live and work in Hollywood and your market was primarily America and the English-speaking world.

This has all changed, however, since the 1960’s. The methods of International Finance have trickled down to almost all aspects of business including moviemaking and retail enterprises.

For example, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, currently the richest person in the world, someone who creates nothing, but just moves merchandise around, can set up his retail operations anywhere. Along with Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, and many more, he has no spiritual connection to the land of his birth – no connection to the people of America. There might be some nostalgic value to remaining in America, but that’s it. These people can afford to NOT be patriotic or concerned with the people out of which they sprang because they can live, work and thrive anywhere.

Thus, they glibly spew out the Globalist propaganda about the benefits of a One World Government, a Borderless Society, a Multicultural Collective and the rest. They seek to fool the gullible into believing they are on the side of freedom when really, they are working to establish a society built on a subservient underclass made up of people who MUST live somewhere dominated by an elitist, ruling class of people that can live anywhere.

Notice their choice of a world capital: it is NOT New York, London, Paris, or even Beijing – cities that actually produced things that contributed to the advance of civilization – it is places like Geneva and Brussels whose only “contribution” to the world is a generations long history of promoting and protecting International Finance and Banking.

The people that can live anywhere are not our friends, no matter what they say. To them, we people of the land are unimportant, expendable and replaceable. We are merely chattel, serfs or vassals. They might want to review some history, however, because the elitist, upper-class twits that seek to dominate the world are the ones actually replaced every couple of hundred years; while we people of the land endure forever.

The New Feudalism

I haven’t written a political piece in a while. There is certainly a lot going on, but it’s so depressing. The future of society – especially Western Civilization – seems pretty bleak, these days.

Today, we have people like Biden, Trudeau, Merkel, Macron, Johnson and the other so-called leaders of the Free World selling out everything of cultural value to the new Globalist regime. Western society and other cultures have already been through protracted experiments in feudalism that held back progress and dreams of freedom for centuries. Instead of learning from the past, the decadent, Luciferian world elite seem determined to usher in a new period of cultural enslavement – Globalism. Or perhaps they have learned from the past and think they can use modern technological advances to more effectively dominate the population. Globalism is a microchip, nanobot, satellite surveillance, steroid enhanced version of feudalism.

And it isn’t just European Civilization that is in jeopardy (although many nations long for its collapse). No, even the Arab World, Chinese Communism and the various dictator driven States will all fall to the false song of Globalism – a New World Order ruled from the shadows by demon haunted minds.

Feudal societies were present in many countries throughout the world for centuries. The feudal state was divided into four main classes:

  1. The Monarch who controlled all the assets and properties.
  2. The Nobles who were mostly relatives, friends or loyal supplicants of the Monarch. They were given parcels of land for their use and enjoyment. They were supposed to manage and protect the land and its people on behalf of the Monarch, but more often they just exploited the resources for their own pleasure.
  3. The Knights who were the basic functionaries of the Nobles. Their job was to fight battles, police the region, manage the population and, basically, make sure the Nobles and the Monarch got everything they wanted. They could sometimes get land of their own and advance to the lower strata of the Nobility. However, they owed everything they had to their lords.
  4. The Serfs who owned nothing and did all the work in exchange for being allowed the privilege of living with some semblance of peace and security. If they were particularly loyal or somehow developed a useful skill, it was possible for them to advance in society.

Adding to the mix were the Clergy, who were similar to the class of Nobles, and various entertainers and craftsmen who did not own or work the land, but provided services and amusement to the upper classes.

Very slowly, a new class emerged known today as the Middle Class. This was made up of merchants, doctors, lawyers, teachers, scholars, inventors, builders, and others who were able to acquire capital independent of the handouts from the Nobility. This independence from the Upper Classes is the crucial point – the reason this group of individuals is so dangerous to Feudalism and, in fact, to Globalism. The American, French, Russian, Chinese and virtually every other revolution of the past 500 years or more has been instigated and led by the Middle Class – people with independent capital and resources who can harness their power to accomplish their goals. This is why the Middle Class is under attack from Globalist mercenaries.

Business interests, health care, education, finance, information technology, energy production, construction, maintenance services, even sports and entertainment are all coming under the purview of Government – Big Government as it is called. When all business activity, professions and trades are controlled by the government you have Feudal Socialism. Extend this form of economic planning and social engineering across the world state and you have the Globalist agenda.

Interestingly, todays plutocrats – Bezos, Gates, Soros, etc. – are NOT the Monarchs in this system. They are at best the equivalent of the Nobles. The true Monarchs are shadowy figures who, like the old Shadow of the comic books, have the power to cloud people’s minds – but they use this power for evil, not for good.

The Knights are the politicians, generals, bureaucrats and lobbyists who make sure everyone obeys the new rules of society. And you can add in the entertainers, journalists, intellectuals and other propagandists who enthusiastically spread the praises of the elite and their doctrines.

The Serfs are pretty much the same – though they might think themselves better off. They own nothing of value, spend all they earn and look to the government and their betters for the fulfillment of all their needs. They are grateful for the opportunity to perpetually serve and protect the State.

The only way to defend against the New Feudalism, the false song of Globalism, is to do the unthinkable: WAKE UP! Wake up anyway you can. Wake yourself up and then help those around you wake up.

Whether you are a Liberal or Conservative; mystic or skeptic; servant or master – there can be no benefit to aligning yourself with the Shadow Lords of the New World Order who seek to dominate you – mind, body and soul.

War on Reality

The U.S. military and NATO have declared war on climate change.

Seems like a good idea.

Planes, tanks, ships, missiles – all vigorously attacking clouds, solar flares and hurricanes. Why not?

Based on some of the latest recruitment videos I’ve seen, the modern military won’t be fit to take on any other enemies – they certainly won’t be prepared to battle any aggressive, foreign armies.  The Western powers seem overly concerned with appearing “woke” and “progressive” rather than tough and lethal. Instead of seeking out the best of the best, the armed forces are hoping to attract people who look and act like the average member of the population, but more “diverse” and left-wing. Statistically, the average member of the population of the Western world is fat, lazy, dim witted and passive. To transform the military into a representative of this population requires intensive “diversity” hires and promotion, and a cleansing of anything that resembles “toxic masculinity.” Describe for yourself the least effective version of a soldier and you’ll have an idea of what the New World Order wants for the West. But then, who else would happily obey orders to make war on rising sea levels?

By contrast, the Eastern powers, such as China, Russia, Iran and others, are not overly concerned with the vagaries of climate change. These powers want land, resources and economic control. Their military recruitment videos call on the biggest, toughest, strongest and smartest people to step up and serve their independent nations and defend and expand their borders. They train to fight people not clouds. They don’t want to protect rainbows; they want to dominate the Earth. And they surely will – and, perhaps, that’s the plan. The end of the West will come first from internal decay and then from an external attack on the remaining husk.

It’s not well known who put the idea of combating mythical forces, this war on reality, into the minds of Western leaders and made it a priority – the true enemy of civilization remains in the shadows. But the idea is not original or unique in history.

Back in the 40’s – the actual 40’s, as in the year 40 A.D. – the mad emperor Caligula declared war on the sea god Neptune. Caligula sent his, still, mighty Roman legions to the Atlantic coast to attack the ocean. After a brief, imaginary, battle he proclaimed his victory over Neptune and had his soldiers transport tons of sea shells back to Rome and placed in the imperial treasury as spoils of war.

In Roman times, it was pretty clear which crazy leader was in control, and just how crazy he was, but it still took a while for anyone to stop him. The mad emperor represented the establishment and people wanted to maintain the status quo. Even then, people did not want to upset what they believed was the natural order of things.

Today, it is also pretty clear that President Biden is NOT is control. Neither is anyone in the U.N. or NATO in real control of the world. The true leaders, crazy or not, hide in the darkness. This sinister master mind group seeks the destruction of Western civilization and strives to establish a Globalist State – a State in which a few elitists will openly control the production and distribution of all resources on the planet and determine the activities, hopes, dreams and fate of their subject populations.

Of course, the Eastern powers, whether they understand it or not, will also become nothing more than petty satraps in the thrall of the New World Order. The overlords will care nothing about ethnicity, nationality, politics, gender, belief systems or any other identifiers. True equality or “equity” will finally be achieved for the bulk of humanity because we will all be on par with worker ants in a colony: virtually indistinguishable from one another and totally expendable for the sake of the “common good” as determined by the overlords.

Far too many people will, unfortunately, be content with this New Normal, this Great Reset, and will offer no resistance once the overlords reveal themselves.

A few of us, however, will fight against this future with the hope that our own hidden Leader will return to aid us in our time of tribulation.

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