In a few days, we will experience the Winter Solstice and Christmas. Both times symbolize the birth or rebirth of Light in the world. Astronomically, the Winter Solstice in the Northern hemisphere is the shortest period of daylight in the year – the darkest day. But then, the daylight period grows ever longer giving new life to the Earth. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ – spiritually the Light of the World – mystically and historically it is the time God manifested on Earth for the redemption of humanity.

Whatever your religious convictions, this time of the year is a wonderful vision and expression of illumination and life emerging from the winter darkness.

It seems appropriate to embrace this experience with a meditation period to help us unite with cosmic Light, Life and Love and become an instrument of Enlightenment to all.

The meditation procedure I propose is simple and should be something in which everyone can participate.

First, choose a position that is comfortable for you to maintain for a few minutes while still ensuring that you can retain alertness. Sitting with a straight back as in the classic meditation pose is ideal, but not necessary. Any position that allows you to be comfortable and relaxed, yet still offers a slight tension to maintain your wakefulness is fine.

Next, choose a time of day that lets you regularly devote a few minutes to the practice. Preferably in the morning to take advantage of the naturally occurring sun rise, but anytime will do. Our spiritual nature is larger and more accommodating than any physical or astronomical phenomenon.

Now, sit and breathe for a few moments. Your breath should be even and regular, controlled but not limiting – keep it natural.

Then, begin to visualize or imagine a great light somewhere out in space. Let this become, for you, the Source of all Light. Notice streams of Light beaming towards you. The Light enters your mind and fills your awareness. Then, allow the Light to flow down through your face and neck and into your shoulders and then into your whole body.

As the Light continues to stream from the Source, it fills your body completely. All your muscles, bones and organs are filled with the calm, warming, healing Light from the Source of all Light, Life and Love. The Light fills all your body, deep into your cells, until you, yourself, are glowing and radiating the Light. Visualize or imagine this happening. The Light from the Source pours into your body and you begin to radiate Light. In a short time, you become a Source of Light for your surroundings. Your Light fills the space around you, the room, your whole dwelling place, out into the surrounding buildings and neighborhood, out into the world around you, out into the whole world.

Visualize or imagine that through you the whole world is now filling with Light. All the people you know, all the people you care about, share in this abundance of Light. The Great Source of Light, Life and Love has now merged with you and you have become the Source of Light, Life and Love for others.

Hold and enjoy this image of yourself for a few moments, and then, when you are ready, let yourself awaken to the world again. But keep the image of yourself as a Source of Light going with you throughout the day.

Work with this meditation daily over the course of the season and even beyond this season out into the New Year. Enjoy the experience of being a channel for Goodness and Light in the world.

Love and Blessings and all good wishes for Peace Profound!