I thought it would be good to continue the exercise from last week and add some extra actions. What we are striving for is to develop the ability to receive information without judgement and interpretation, and clear away the filter imposed by the media and public opinion. We want to evaluate information based on OUR OWN experience and understanding – an understanding strengthened by connection to inner awareness and the emanations from Universal Consciousness.


When you have practiced becoming aware of sounds or sensations around you, realizing that they are just sensations and have no meaning for you other than the meaning you, yourself, impose on them, begin to take notice of your thoughts.

First, just notice all the various thoughts that come to your attention as you experience your surroundings. There will be many thoughts – and also many judgments and evaluations. Perhaps, you might notice how these thoughts interfere with your actual experience. But, for now, just notice them.

Give the thoughts equal attention without being impacted by any one thought. Is this challenging?

Experience everything that occupies the mind. Let it wander as it will, freely.





Experience your body – breathing, comfort levels, irritations – whatever occurs. And choose to experience all equally without being attached or concerned with any one thought or sensation.

Let your mind be free.

Relax completely and fully give yourself over to this experience.

Then, begin to address yourself.

Say: It is ‘I’ who experience all of this – this is all around ‘Me’ – this is in ‘My’ body and in ‘My’ thoughts – deep within ‘Me’ ‘I’ am the ‘one’ experiencing this – ‘I’ have ‘My’ own life and ‘I’ experience that life with AWARENESS.

For this stage of the exercise, come to the appreciation that you are an individual and that you have the ability to control the interpretation of information that enters your awareness.

You choose what to emphasize and what to set aside. You decide what will influence you and what will not.

As you realize the personal power you have, allow yourself the space and opportunity to relax and accept the world appearing to you and accept the power you have over how things appear to you.

Until next time – Love and Blessings and all good wishes for Peace Profound.