Spirituality * Culture * Self-Expression

Tag: spirits


I guess, if starseeds are a real thing, then, I am one; because, I don’t fit into the regular world and I reject and resist the authority of the invading, reptilian overlords.

Apparently, starseeds are beings from other planets, other galaxies and, even, other dimensions who have traveled to Earth thousands of years ago to incarnate in human bodies. They have the mission to assist in planetary evolution and prepare humanity for great challenges that always seem to lie just ahead of us. There are, from Earth’s perspective, benevolent and malevolent starseeds. Besides their basic mission, the benevolent starseeds also seek to protect us from the malevolent forces – particularly the reptilian races – that seek to take over the world. The malevolent starseeds want to dominate humanity; the benevolent starseeds want to free humanity so that they can become subjects of the Galactic Federation, or something.

From what I’ve read, there’s a peculiar thing about the starseeds: the malevolent ones seem to retain awareness of their origins and purpose and actively seek to infiltrate the halls of power through exploitation of wealth, imposing themselves in politics and connecting themselves to the generational ruling families of Earth. The benevolent starseeds mostly forget their origins and go through life – incarnation after incarnation – feeling insecure, out of place and unaware of their true destinies until some “teacher” explains to them who they are and from where they came. Nevertheless, even if the benevolent starseeds never discovery their true identity and purpose, they still have a positive impact on the world by the unearthly radiations of their souls.

Knowledge of the presence, identity and purpose of starseeds has come to light only recently through the efforts of “channelers” – people who are able to consciously make contact with galactic record sources and other, non-human, intelligences.

Hidden references to starseeds abound throughout history and across the world, if you know what to look for. There are stories of human representations of various god-forms known as Avatars, such as Lord Krishna; there are tales of sons of god-forms performing heroic deeds such as Hercules; there are records of messengers of god-forms bringing spiritual teaching and insights to people such as the angels and prophets of the Bible; and there are innumerable accounts of shamans, seers, sorcerers, saints and servants of Light in all cultures. Channelers and researchers tell us that many of these stories, if not all of them, are referring to starseeds.

Sumerian, Babylonian and Persian spiritual histories do seem to talk about a battle between alien forces of good and evil taking place on Earth, and many religious heroes talk of worlds beyond our own, but they don’t explicitly mention starseeds or galactic empires. This seems to be a new interpretation of cosmic events or just psychological evolution. The primary sources of the starseed mythos appear to be found in the writings of a variety of more or less recent spiritual and not so spiritual figures. Some of these figures include Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, Alice Baily, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Ron Hubbard, Doris Lessing, Erich von Daniken, Zecharia Sitchen, Riley Martin and David Icke to name a few.

It is interesting to me that many people who reject traditional, established religions seem drawn to newly formulated alternative ideologies based on ancient Gnostic, Hindu and Zoroastrian doctrines as well as science fiction and the mythologies of exploited or diminishing populations.

There’s definitely a lot of things going on in this world of which most people are not aware. I, myself, have explored many uncharted regions of hidden reality and have encountered non-human intelligences of various kinds – many benevolent, some malevolent.

One of the claims often asserted by malevolent beings is that humans, being little more than talking apes, are incapable of achieving greatness without assistance of “superior” beings. They teach that all the notable works of humanity are due to the influence of non-human leaders. I reject this. Humans may be flawed and not yet fully evolved, but we do not need alien spirits to help, guide or shape us. We are not a science experiment. We are great on our own. And, if there is a Galactic Federation out there, we humans will ultimately dominate it. And perhaps that is the reason so many of these non-human entities want to keep us feeling insecure and powerless – they know what we can do.

Don’t Know Much

Awhile ago, my feline friend, Bella, wasn’t feeling well, so I took her to see the veterinarian. The Vet did a full exam – blood tests, x-rays – even kept her overnight to work on her symptoms. In the end, the Vet didn’t know what was wrong with her, how she got sick or how to treat her – and could not explain how Bella got better all on her own.

I recently read about a tomb uncovered on the island of Cyprus – my ancestral home. The tomb was 9,500 years old and contained a human and a cat laid out side by side surrounded by decorative jewels and artifacts. The cat died of natural causes and was clearly a beloved member of the family. Cats are not native to Cyprus so someone deliberately brought her to the island with them. This is the oldest evidence of cat / human fellowship ever found – far older than even Egyptian sources where cats were deified. Since it is unlikely that this is the actual first human / cat pairing, our relationship with domesticated cats must go back several hundred years before the internment. I think it is safe to say that humans and cats have closely interacted for more than 10,000 years.

10,000 years of cats living with us in society, in our homes, even sleeping in our beds – and yet, what do we know about them? Not very much. We can make guesses about their behavior but, who knows what’s really going on in the mind of a cat?

For that matter, what’s going on in the mind of a human? After a million years or more of history, what do we know about ourselves? Not very much.

There are dozens of competing scientific theories of personality and human psychology as well as many more theories in the realms of philosophy, religion and spirituality – but, nothing really definitive. Why do people do the things they do? It’s all just guesswork and speculation. After a million years of being human we still can’t say for sure what it means to be human. Why do people seek power over others? Why do people kill? Why do people adhere to fanatical belief system? Why do people fall in love? The are no clear answers.

Yet, there are many people who will tell you that they know the exact reasons why spirits, angels, demons, deities and extraterrestrials do the things they do: what their motives are, why they are on Earth, what they want for and from humanity. How could anyone know such things when they can’t tell you why one human prefers strawberry to pistachio ice cream? THEY CAN’T. It’s at best well thought out speculation and at worst self-delusion or deliberate attempts to deceive.

In reality, we don’t know much about cats and dogs; we don’t know much about humans; and we, certainly, don’t know much about other worldly beings. We just don’t know much about anything at all.

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