Spirituality * Culture * Self-Expression

Month: May 2021

War on Reality

The U.S. military and NATO have declared war on climate change.

Seems like a good idea.

Planes, tanks, ships, missiles – all vigorously attacking clouds, solar flares and hurricanes. Why not?

Based on some of the latest recruitment videos I’ve seen, the modern military won’t be fit to take on any other enemies – they certainly won’t be prepared to battle any aggressive, foreign armies.  The Western powers seem overly concerned with appearing “woke” and “progressive” rather than tough and lethal. Instead of seeking out the best of the best, the armed forces are hoping to attract people who look and act like the average member of the population, but more “diverse” and left-wing. Statistically, the average member of the population of the Western world is fat, lazy, dim witted and passive. To transform the military into a representative of this population requires intensive “diversity” hires and promotion, and a cleansing of anything that resembles “toxic masculinity.” Describe for yourself the least effective version of a soldier and you’ll have an idea of what the New World Order wants for the West. But then, who else would happily obey orders to make war on rising sea levels?

By contrast, the Eastern powers, such as China, Russia, Iran and others, are not overly concerned with the vagaries of climate change. These powers want land, resources and economic control. Their military recruitment videos call on the biggest, toughest, strongest and smartest people to step up and serve their independent nations and defend and expand their borders. They train to fight people not clouds. They don’t want to protect rainbows; they want to dominate the Earth. And they surely will – and, perhaps, that’s the plan. The end of the West will come first from internal decay and then from an external attack on the remaining husk.

It’s not well known who put the idea of combating mythical forces, this war on reality, into the minds of Western leaders and made it a priority – the true enemy of civilization remains in the shadows. But the idea is not original or unique in history.

Back in the 40’s – the actual 40’s, as in the year 40 A.D. – the mad emperor Caligula declared war on the sea god Neptune. Caligula sent his, still, mighty Roman legions to the Atlantic coast to attack the ocean. After a brief, imaginary, battle he proclaimed his victory over Neptune and had his soldiers transport tons of sea shells back to Rome and placed in the imperial treasury as spoils of war.

In Roman times, it was pretty clear which crazy leader was in control, and just how crazy he was, but it still took a while for anyone to stop him. The mad emperor represented the establishment and people wanted to maintain the status quo. Even then, people did not want to upset what they believed was the natural order of things.

Today, it is also pretty clear that President Biden is NOT is control. Neither is anyone in the U.N. or NATO in real control of the world. The true leaders, crazy or not, hide in the darkness. This sinister master mind group seeks the destruction of Western civilization and strives to establish a Globalist State – a State in which a few elitists will openly control the production and distribution of all resources on the planet and determine the activities, hopes, dreams and fate of their subject populations.

Of course, the Eastern powers, whether they understand it or not, will also become nothing more than petty satraps in the thrall of the New World Order. The overlords will care nothing about ethnicity, nationality, politics, gender, belief systems or any other identifiers. True equality or “equity” will finally be achieved for the bulk of humanity because we will all be on par with worker ants in a colony: virtually indistinguishable from one another and totally expendable for the sake of the “common good” as determined by the overlords.

Far too many people will, unfortunately, be content with this New Normal, this Great Reset, and will offer no resistance once the overlords reveal themselves.

A few of us, however, will fight against this future with the hope that our own hidden Leader will return to aid us in our time of tribulation.

Royal Pain

The idiot formally known as PRINCE Harry once again proves that the events of 1776 were a good idea. Not just for the U.S., but for the world.

Harry states that he considers the First amendment to the U.S. Constitution “Bonkers.” He doesn’t like it. He wants something done about it. He wants it gone.

The First Amendment is all about protecting certain freedoms: Freedom of thought, freedom of expression, journalistic freedom, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and the freedom to challenge the decisions of government. There’s a reason it tops the list of human rights. Along with the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms for personal defense, the First Amendment is protection against totalitarian regimes. It’s no wonder Hollywood Harry and his sad little Globalist, elitist, Luciferian chums dislike it – the First Amendment is a guard against idiots like this becoming too powerful.

Imagine a world where Hollywood assholes and tech billionaires, or the degenerate aristocracy of old, can tell you what to think, what to say, where to go, or what to buy and sell. Well, it isn’t hard to imagine because we are on the cusp of this very thing happening. A weak willed, feckless population has been wrangled into a state in which they have abandoned the concept of personal freedom and seem eager to bow before some master class. And the soul sucking, demon worshipping, plutocrats and oligarchs are loving it.

A dumb population that values the opinion of “celebrities” and so-called “social influencers” above their own personal freedom is precisely the kind of population Harry No-Name and his league of marauding moralizers crave. Creatures like Harry – born into wealth and privilege, raised by moral incompetents, and educated by Luciferian extremists – truly believe they are better than the rest of us and have a right to rule over us. Their sense of self-entitlement is epic – on the scale of Roman emperors like Caligula and Nero.

Well, in 1776 the American people declared their independence from such ravenous tyrants. They spit in the eye of the aristocracy and established a Republic with a Constitution that protected the rights of the individual over the government or the collective hordes. Thus, for a time, there really was a glimmer of true freedom in the world.

It turns out, however, that not everyone wants freedom. Many, many people seem to find self-government difficult and cry out for the return of a ruling class. They miss their chains.

The old elite have been waiting patiently for this day to arrive. They’ve schemed and conspired to bring it about for centuries. Now, with troops of social justice terrorists in the streets stirring up disharmony everywhere, and insipid, useful idiot propagandists preaching an idealized “One World Government,” a Globalist, feudalist society is at hand with the world divided into barons and serfs – guess which one you are.

To be fair, I would probably, grudgingly, accept a One World Government if King Jesus was in charge. But King Harry? No fucking way. Creatures like that and the demonic hosts they’re aligned with are the true enemies of freedom, equality and justice.

The First Amendment that Harry No-Name despises gives him the right, in America, to say whatever stupid, evil thing he wants to say. But it also gives the rest of us the right to reject his tyrannical ambitions. We can tell him to stuff his pompous, self-important obsessions up his moth eaten, rusty old crown and scuttle off back to jolly old England (although he isn’t welcome there, either).

The enemies of the people are gaining strength, but we don’t have to accept their will. We can stand against them and force them back into the darkness from which they have emerged. We can retain our freedom and preserve the soul of humanity if we reject the degeneracy of the New World Order and ignore the false song of Globalism.


It’s been pointed out to me that I make terrible use of punctuation. That is, I use punctuation incorrectly on a fairly frequent basis. This is particularly true regarding the use of commas around words such as “but” and “however.” I also overuse the dash. And, I often start sentences with conjunctions.

It’s not that I don’t know the rules – I’ve read Strunk and White The Elements of Style – I’m just lax in applying them. I seem to get distracted by the words I type. It’s like I hear pauses in my head that, probably, aren’t needed. Commas, semicolons, colons and dashes all blur into a single break point. Even now, I’m aware of deliberately making mistakes for comedic effect, and trying to be precise, and, actually not really knowing what I’m doing. I wonder if there is some psychological term that describes these grammatical abuses: some derivative of dyslexia or Asperger’s. Or, is it a written form of speech impediment?

If it was just part of my short form, blog persona – an aspect of my sardonic style – a quick splatter of words to fill the post – a deliberate laissez-faire flow of consciousness, word jumble, that sometimes makes more sense than it should…

I don’t know.

I do know that I also poorly punctuate longer form pieces, as well. So, maybe, it is an intellectual or emotional fault.

Or, maybe, the fault lies in the reader who is bothered by such trivialities?

No. I must take responsibility and endeavor to improve my presentation of the blindingly brilliant insights I expound.

I’ll re-read Strunk and White and see if that helps.

Or, you know, maybe I won’t.

Harrison Bergeron

Taking note of society and where it seems to be headed, with its growing emphasis on “equity” and “fairness,” reminds me of a short story by Kurt Vonnegut called “Harrison Bergeron.”

Vonnegut was a liberal, to be sure, but he was not a Left-Wing loon like so many current celebrities. And he was no fool. Vonnegut was smart, witty and fearless – he knew where left-wing ideology would lead and he routinely called out the fake elite.

The story is set in the future, 2081. Total equality, or something close to it, has finally been achieved. How? Well, its impossible to make everyone equally great but, it is very possible to make everyone equally average or mediocre by a process of “handicapping” people who are not average. The Office of the United States Handicapper General has been established and this group determines the level of handicapping each person requires in order for everyone to have parity.

To fairly make everyone equally average, and ensure no one is offended by anyone else’s abilities, physical restrictions are placed on the body. Those with above average strength and agility are forced to carry around weighted sacks chained to their necks. Those with above average intelligence are forced to wear ear pieces that blast horrific sounds into the brain every 20-seconds to confuse and slow down thought. Those with above average beauty are forced to wear face coverings at all times. TV personalities, and perhaps all public communicators, must have speech impediments or speak in harsh, unappealing tones. No one is allowed to be good at their jobs and must apologize for any accidental display of competence in case they offend the average person.

The only people allowed to display competence are the agents of the Handicapper General. They are unceasingly vigilant in ensuring that no one deviates from the norm and appears unequally superior in any way. Any attempt to remove or lessen to any degree any of the imposed handicaps can result in fine, imprisonment and even death for repeated offenses. To offend the average is unforgivable.

The story was written in 1961, so we are now at the midway point. We still don’t have an Office of the Handicapper General – however, with, possibly, the most AVERAGE Joe, mediocre politician in U.S. history serving as President, legions of Social Justice Warriors, “Karens,” and other leftist stormtroopers prowling the streets looking for offenses, and an education system that seems determined to undermine the effects of the past 500-years of civilization, Vonnegut’s 2081 dystopia does not seem that far off.

Woke Hollywood

Last week, the Academy Awards show was broadcast on television. Like most sensible people, I did not watch it. Neither have I watched any of the movies which might or might not have been nominated.

Why would I?

To me, “woke” Hollywood is nothing but a herpes sore on the lip of culture: an infectious disease worse than the China Virus that makes everything ugly and sordid.

The fake elitists that claim to represent the collective tastes of movie goers are a blight on true art. Seeing this pestiferous, narcissistic swarm of depraved wretches congratulate themselves on their efforts to bring down civilization fills me with revulsion.

Once upon a time, Hollywood had something useful to offer the world: entertainment, hope, joy, even inspiration. In the early days, when morally ambiguous characters were first depicted, there was an opportunity for viewers to discuss, analyze and assess choices being made on screen while still respecting the possibility of a virtuous outcome. No more. Today’s propaganda masters are unambiguously vile – they beat the viewer over the head with noxious, Leftist ideology. Rather than actual virtue, woke Hollywood offers only virtue signaling. And, true to the Globalist, Luciferian agenda that drives the narrative, anyone who dares to disagree with the inverted truth offered by the fake elite is branded a racist, fascist, and even a domestic terrorist.

What seems like a very long time ago, mostly liberal but humanity loving Old Hollywood produced “classic” movies by people like Charles Chaplin, John Ford, Cecil B. De Mille, David O. Selznick, Frank Capra, Robert Sturges, David Lean, Mel Brooks and many others. These movies were, generally, original, thought provoking, inspirational, and, above all, entertaining. Today’s original movies are depressing, hateful, boring, agenda-driven depictions of the false narrative that humanity is wretched and beyond redemption. No one will sit through these mediocrities other than film students and virtue signaling elitists. That they are given awards is a clear indication of the depravity, not of humanity in general, but of the woke establishment. They will never be classics. They are only of value to the denizens of the dark, soulless echo chamber of a debauched, Leftist dystopia in which the creators of civilization and culture are seen as tyrannical monsters, while Moloch worshipping deviants bent on looting and burning down creation are hailed as true heroes.

Perhaps worse than the propaganda riddled prize winners – because they are actually SEEN by the public – are the money-making, block busters that pass, today, for entertainment.  These are typically sequels to previous “hits,” often based on comic books, as well as prequels, reboots, remakes, re-imaginings, re-visionings, director’s cuts, extended versions, alternate endings and maliciously perverted adaptations of old TV shows and old movies. What unifies these offerings is a passive-aggressive stance towards civilization, culture and actual art and a contempt for anyone that would take these movies seriously.


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