Michael A. Michail

Spirituality * Culture * Self-Expression

Room to Let

The Taliban has retaken Afghanistan. This situation did not need to happen. It is yet another blunder in U.S. Foreign Policy brought on by the U.S. president, Blundering Biden, and his entire administration. It is also a result of the ongoing actions of the Liberal Globalist deep state that seems to be running things, and has, in fact, been running things for quite some time. But is it, really, a blunder?

I am reminded of a parable told by the Lord Jesus that can be found in Luke 11:24-25 and Matthew 12:43-45. It goes something like this.

A man is possessed, but manages to have the demon expelled. The Evil Spirit then wanders around in desolate places for awhile without finding adequate rest or shelter. The demon says, “I’m getting no where flitting about like this. I’ll go back to my old house and see what’s happening there.”

The demon returns to the old house, the place from which it was evicted, the man that was once possessed. The place is clean, orderly, well maintained and, most importantly, completely empty. The happy demon moves right in and invites seven more evil spirits to live there, as well.

You see, the man evicted the Evil Spirit, renovated the property, but, then, failed to bring a Good Spirit in to occupy the space.  When you get rid of a demon (or, maybe, a bad habit) you must replace the offensive thing with something better – you must fill the void you created with something positive, desirable and strong. The Evil Spirit found the place empty and in much better shape than before. The environment would have been perfect for a Good Spirit – a wholesome tenant – but, apparently, the man did not seek a new occupant. He left it vulnerable.

That’s the situation in Afghanistan. The Taliban was expelled, 20 years ago, but no stronger ideology replaced it. Sure, there was talk of “nation building” or some such nonsense – but really, what did the Liberal Globalist military force achieve? I don’t really know, but I’m guessing, maybe some McDonald’s Restaurants opened up and maybe a Nike franchise – something along those lines. Oh, and they probably tried to get some transgender equity classes taught in the schools. Free and fair elections? (LOL)

Liberal Globalism is not an ideology that any sane person would freely embrace when alternatives are available – even if the alternative is something terrible like the Taliban version of Islam. Liberal Globalism can only be maintained by FORCE. When the U.S. occupying forces left, the Taliban easily reclaimed power. And, like the Evil Spirit in the parable, they got a much better space than they once had – weapons, military equipment, vehicles, even an air force – and trained personnel to use it all. In interviews after the take-over, the Taliban openly laughs at Liberal Globalism, social media platforms, women’s studies, free elections and Western ideas of Human Rights in general. Liberal Globalism offered the Afghan people nothing to fight for or defend.

Patriotism requires a connection to and belief in the land, the people and the principles that founded the nation. Liberal Globalism does not support any of that.

The so-called “radical Islam” that the Taliban espouses is not really all that radical. It’s the same ideology that’s been promoted for 1500 years. Liberal Globalists, who have absolutely no connection to land, nations or people, appear to have failed to realize the power of tradition and established community beliefs.

Now, the Taliban, like the Evil Spirit in the parable, are also inviting fellow evil spirits to join them in their new abode. Al-Queda, ISIL, even the Chinese Communist Party are being offered a place. And you can be sure that the CCP is not going to worry about opening up Confucius Institutes or Tai Chi schools in Afghanistan – they don’t care what the Afghan people believe in or do as long as they stay in Afghanistan. The CCP controls a lot of people already – what they want is power and resources – they will offer the Taliban leaders hard currency in exchange for lithium and other rare minerals and they will assist in marketing the fruits of the poppy fields that Afghanistan is so well known for.

Now, I’m happy to accuse the Western Liberal Globalist powers of a lot of things, but I don’t think they can be accused of stupidity – not really.  So, did they really not anticipate this situation? Did they really not understand the people of the land they occupied for 20 years? Was leaving all the military equipment behind really a mistake? Was this really just a giant blunder by the Biden Administration? Or is there a more sinister purpose behind the fall of Afghanistan?

Through the Mountain

Your favorite mystic gets asked a lot of silly questions, one of which is “Are you Enlightened?”

How do you answer a question like that?

If I say Yes – you might think I’m bragging (and who would brag about a thing like that?)

If I say No – you might think I’m lying (and who would lie about a thing like that?)

The problem is that to understand the answer to that question you have to know just what Enlightenment is. And if you know what Enlightenment is, you really don’t have to ask the question.

People “think” they know what Enlightenment is, or what they want it to be, but thinking about it makes you miss the point. Enlightenment is a state of BEING not an idea. It is a natural state that anyone can experience and it is also an extreme state that can’t easily be defined.

You could compare it to something like Happiness. When you are happy, you know it without being told. And people who have experienced happiness can usually tell when other people are happy without being told. But happiness covers a wide range of experience – from a little happy to ecstatic (and I use that word deliberately because sometimes Enlightenment is equated with ecstasy). And sometimes if you are in a particular state of happiness for a very long time, you can forget that there was ever any other way of being and so you no longer know that you are happy – you’re just you.

A better question might be “how do you BECOME Enlightened?” And that poses problems of its own because a very real and legitimate answer to that question is “how are you AVOIDING being Enlightened?)

I think I will need to write a much longer treatise on this subject some day, soon.

Enlightenment is a natural state and humans seem to experience barriers to enjoying that state. Where did those barriers come from and how can you get around them are even trickier questions that require a lot of verbiage to respond to adequately.

So, to finish off this post, here’s a little story about getting through the barriers that might stir up some level of Enlightenment within you as you read it.

Imagine you are living in a dark and gloomy world. Easy to do, since that’s how many people see life. Now, as you wander about you begin to notice a large mountain in your path. Did it just appear? Was it always there? While you’re thinking about it, you move closer and see that there is a hole or cave in the side of the mountain. You move towards it. As you get closer, you notice people running out of the cave as if they are terrified or maybe in a state of shock. They ignore you or babble something incoherently as you question them, but you get the impression that something weird is in that cave.

Now as you get closer, you notice that while some people are running out of the cave, other people are creeping in to it. You decide to follow them in and find yourself traveling through a tunnel. Someone tells you there is something amazing at the end of the tunnel but they can’t explain what it is.

You go in deeper.

People pass you going out and coming in. And when you reach a point in the tunnel, you start to see people just standing or sitting around. One of them tells you they have just decided to rest for awhile. They don’t want to go back to the old world, but they just can’t bring themselves, yet, to continue to the end.

But you decide you are going all the way.

You decide you really want to see this wonderful thing at the end of the tunnel, whatever it might be.

You move along. People continue to pass you running out or running in, deeper. You also continue to see people just stopping on the way. But you no longer try to talk to anyone. You will find out for yourself what is going on.

There are scary sounds, rock slides, pits that open up before you that must be leaped over, walls that must be climbed, shadows of things you can’t understand – but you keep going deeper towards the truth.

You go deeper and then you notice a light. Maybe it was always there. Who knows? You move towards it. It is the way out of the mountain tunnel. Cautiously you step through to the other side.

Your eyes are opened. Everything is beautiful. Bright skies, clean air, pretty birds and flowers and people around you that seem so happy.

You wander around, almost ecstatic with a new found vigor. You suddenly think of the mountain you passed through and look for it. It is gone, it is no where to be seen. Perhaps it was never really there at all.

Petitioning Power

If you want to get the attention of the President of the United States, tell him your problems, ask for a favor, receive some benefits, it’s quite easy – all you have to do is buy one of his fifty-year-old son’s new finger paintings for half a million dollars and you’re in. That’s the state of material politics, these days: bribery, grift, pandering and a bit of leveraging will get you just about anything.

But suppose you want the attention of Universal Intelligence, the Divine Spirit, the Supreme Being, GOD – how do you do that?

Well, according to the self-indulgent, materialistic, fake “spiritual leaders” that the left-wing, elitist entertainers seem to love – pretty much the same way. To them, God is a wish granting genie in the sky, or a cosmic dragon prepared to bargain away pieces of his treasure horde to the right sort of people. All you have to do is spend some money on gifts for his friends or favorite groups, make a few promises, negotiate a little and say the magic words – “I love Oprah” or something to that effect – and you can get anything you want. The “secret,” however, is that you really have to believe in your own B.S. cosmic principles or at least be persuasive enough to convince the dragon that you really believe.

Nonsense, you say – yet millions of gullible souls in the modern world go along with it since the “popular people” tell them it’s OK.

For validation of these so-called “cosmic principles,” celebrity gurus will even point to the words of Lord Jesus in the Gospels when He says “seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you, ask and you will receive.” (Matthew 7:7) Here, the fakers completely misrepresent the Master’s words. He is not talking about material things, but Spiritual things. He is saying seek for and ask for Salvation, Enlightenment, Universal Harmony, Oneness with Spirit, entrance to the Kingdom of God. These things will be given to you, not wealth, power, fame and physical gratification. It’s the “Other Guy” that’s all about sex, money and power.

You see, when you are Enlightened, things like wealth, power and fame are irrelevant. You might need them for fulfilling a particular cosmic mission, but you aren’t going to want them or seek them for yourself.

So, how do you get God’s attention and receive spiritual Enlightenment? Well, bribery, grift, pandering, leverage and bargaining aren’t the way to go. And even people that give to charity, do good deeds and are basically nice to everyone, don’t always become Enlightened. There are also no “magic words.” Whether you follow Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism or some other authentic, traditional path, the way to Enlightenment is the same: you have to want it more than anything else, and you have to keep going after it for as long as it takes. You must gradually give up all other desires and meditate on Oneness. What is required is commitment and understanding of the true value of what you are after. Enlightenment is “the pearl of great price.” (Matthew 13:45-46) Keep seeking, keep asking, keep knocking on the door until you achieve your goal.

It is not an easy path; it is not a path for the many. But it is the sure path to awakening.

“For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to Life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)

The New Feudalism

I haven’t written a political piece in a while. There is certainly a lot going on, but it’s so depressing. The future of society – especially Western Civilization – seems pretty bleak, these days.

Today, we have people like Biden, Trudeau, Merkel, Macron, Johnson and the other so-called leaders of the Free World selling out everything of cultural value to the new Globalist regime. Western society and other cultures have already been through protracted experiments in feudalism that held back progress and dreams of freedom for centuries. Instead of learning from the past, the decadent, Luciferian world elite seem determined to usher in a new period of cultural enslavement – Globalism. Or perhaps they have learned from the past and think they can use modern technological advances to more effectively dominate the population. Globalism is a microchip, nanobot, satellite surveillance, steroid enhanced version of feudalism.

And it isn’t just European Civilization that is in jeopardy (although many nations long for its collapse). No, even the Arab World, Chinese Communism and the various dictator driven States will all fall to the false song of Globalism – a New World Order ruled from the shadows by demon haunted minds.

Feudal societies were present in many countries throughout the world for centuries. The feudal state was divided into four main classes:

  1. The Monarch who controlled all the assets and properties.
  2. The Nobles who were mostly relatives, friends or loyal supplicants of the Monarch. They were given parcels of land for their use and enjoyment. They were supposed to manage and protect the land and its people on behalf of the Monarch, but more often they just exploited the resources for their own pleasure.
  3. The Knights who were the basic functionaries of the Nobles. Their job was to fight battles, police the region, manage the population and, basically, make sure the Nobles and the Monarch got everything they wanted. They could sometimes get land of their own and advance to the lower strata of the Nobility. However, they owed everything they had to their lords.
  4. The Serfs who owned nothing and did all the work in exchange for being allowed the privilege of living with some semblance of peace and security. If they were particularly loyal or somehow developed a useful skill, it was possible for them to advance in society.

Adding to the mix were the Clergy, who were similar to the class of Nobles, and various entertainers and craftsmen who did not own or work the land, but provided services and amusement to the upper classes.

Very slowly, a new class emerged known today as the Middle Class. This was made up of merchants, doctors, lawyers, teachers, scholars, inventors, builders, and others who were able to acquire capital independent of the handouts from the Nobility. This independence from the Upper Classes is the crucial point – the reason this group of individuals is so dangerous to Feudalism and, in fact, to Globalism. The American, French, Russian, Chinese and virtually every other revolution of the past 500 years or more has been instigated and led by the Middle Class – people with independent capital and resources who can harness their power to accomplish their goals. This is why the Middle Class is under attack from Globalist mercenaries.

Business interests, health care, education, finance, information technology, energy production, construction, maintenance services, even sports and entertainment are all coming under the purview of Government – Big Government as it is called. When all business activity, professions and trades are controlled by the government you have Feudal Socialism. Extend this form of economic planning and social engineering across the world state and you have the Globalist agenda.

Interestingly, todays plutocrats – Bezos, Gates, Soros, etc. – are NOT the Monarchs in this system. They are at best the equivalent of the Nobles. The true Monarchs are shadowy figures who, like the old Shadow of the comic books, have the power to cloud people’s minds – but they use this power for evil, not for good.

The Knights are the politicians, generals, bureaucrats and lobbyists who make sure everyone obeys the new rules of society. And you can add in the entertainers, journalists, intellectuals and other propagandists who enthusiastically spread the praises of the elite and their doctrines.

The Serfs are pretty much the same – though they might think themselves better off. They own nothing of value, spend all they earn and look to the government and their betters for the fulfillment of all their needs. They are grateful for the opportunity to perpetually serve and protect the State.

The only way to defend against the New Feudalism, the false song of Globalism, is to do the unthinkable: WAKE UP! Wake up anyway you can. Wake yourself up and then help those around you wake up.

Whether you are a Liberal or Conservative; mystic or skeptic; servant or master – there can be no benefit to aligning yourself with the Shadow Lords of the New World Order who seek to dominate you – mind, body and soul.

Please Subscribe

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that the “blog subscription” widget on my site suddenly and mysteriously disappeared. It hasn’t come back and I still don’t know where it went. I have, however, found a replacement for it. The new widget/plugin seems to work OK, but there are some concerns. First, none of my old subscribers were migrated to the new program so, if you had subscribed before, you will have to re-subscribe with the new system. Second, the notifications are going straight to the spam folders – even the notifications to me. I can’t seem to correct that on my end – I’m not great at even simple tech. If you have tried to subscribe, please check your spam folder – also, try to make your own adjustments to allow my notifications to get directly to your in-box. At this time, and for the foreseeable future, the only notices you’ll get from me are announcements of new posts. At some point, I might make other announcements – but nothing too ponderous to read. Third, I have no idea how long this widget will keep working.

If you prefer not to subscribe, perhaps you’ll consider bookmarking my page and checking in now and then. Since the start of the year, I have been consistently posting every week and I hope to continue that practice.

What comes to mind, for me, regarding this situation, is a comment frequently made by spiritual teachers. They often use phrases such as “when one door closes, another door opens” or “losing something makes room to find something better” or “everything that happens to you, happens for a good reason.”

I won’t say these are false teachings; they are, however, naïve and misleading.

Certainly, good things happen to good people: but so, also, do bad things. And good things even happen to bad people.

Really, for the most part, things just happen. God notices every sparrow that falls, but God doesn’t stop every sparrow from falling. Things are going to happen to us in the world – how we react to things happening is the important part for each of us, individually.

Sometimes when a door closes, we find ourselves locked in a room with no way out. There’s nothing wrong with hoping for something good to happen and actively looking for ways to make good things happen. There’s nothing wrong with having faith that whatever happens, we will be able to make the best of it. The problem revolves around the EXPECTATION that somehow a new door will magically appear without any effort on our part. We must each take action to create our own good.

Another popular saying comes to mind: “God helps those who help themselves.” We must open ourselves up to possibility and be ready to seize opportunities as they appear – or appear to appear. And if another door opens, step through it quickly before it shuts again. The real doors we should be seeking are the ones the open up within us.

So, will losing my old widget lead to something better? I don’t know. I’m just going to keep trudging along with these posts and hope people enjoy reading them. Sometime in the future I might invest in some service that handles widgets and upgrades and all that for me.


For now, I’ll continue doing what I do.

I might not be anyone’s open door, but maybe I can be a small crack in the wall that lets a few people peep out at the mystic world.

Marcus Aurelius

Who is Marcus Aurelius?

Aurelius was born in 121 A.D. and became Emperor of Rome in 161 A.D. Considered the last of the “five good emperors,” Aurelius led Rome in the final days of the Pax Romana, the great Roman peace established by Augustine in 27 B.C. He died in the year 180.

Despite being the most powerful man of his time and being fabulously wealthy, Aurelius patterned himself as a Stoic philosopher and is sometimes referred to as the “Philosopher King.” He led a simple, contemplative life and is the author of an important philosophical and spiritual book called “the Meditations.”

Stoicism is not just a philosophy or intellectual pursuit; Stoics consider it a way of life. To the Stoic, the highest good is to lead a life of virtue. The route to virtue is the practice of prudence, justice, temperance and courage.

Stoicism was founded by the Greek philosopher Zeno in the 3rd century B.C. The name itself refers simply to the “stoa poikile,” the painted porch where Zeno and his followers met to discuss their ideas.

One of the most important of the ancient Stoic philosophers was Epictetus. He lived from 50 to 135 A.D. He was born a slave, but acquired his freedom and by the end of his life he was respected as one of the wisest men of his age and, perhaps, the only truly free man because he lived his philosophy with a vigor.

Epictetus taught that external events are beyond our control – thus, we should accept whatever happens to us or around us calmly and dispassionately. At the same time, individuals are responsible for their own internal experiences and their own actions. The internal life should be examined and controlled through rigorous self-discipline.

Epictetus greatly influenced the thought and life style of Marcus Aurelius and he is quoted often in “the Meditations.”

Aurelius lived in troubled times. His reign was marked by wars and uprisings and political difficulties. Aurelius, however, began his philosophical training as a young man; thus, he was prepared for the struggle when he became emperor. Aurelius did all that was expected of him as leader of his people and worked diligently for what he considered the good of the empire while also maintaining his own inner discipline. He endeavored to master his thoughts, feelings and passions despite the turmoil going on around him.

In a simple form, his philosophy might be seen as a precursor to the often-quoted Serenity Prayer of modern-day theologian Reinhold Niebuhr – “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Aurelius was by no means a Christian. More likely he was a Pantheist seeing God as encompassing all existence rather than as a separate being or personal savior. But he shared the same spiritual understanding.

The life of Marcus Aurelius shows that even someone with vast privilege and authority can aspire to a nobler, pious and mystical existence.

Mystic Wealth

Smart, funny, talented, devastatingly handsome and connected to Spirit – so why isn’t your favorite Mystic world famous and living in a castle by the sea surrounded by adoring acolytes and dancing girls? Why isn’t he being interviewed by Oprah, featured on the cover of People Magazine (Handsomest Man Alive edition) or staring in a Netflix series based on his own fabulous life?

Ho hum.

Being rich and famous isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Most celebrities, after all, can’t handle their own day to day lives without management help. The use of glamour – a magic spell that produces the illusion of attractiveness – has a heavy price. Notice that most celebrities have diagnosed or undiagnosed but clearly evident mental health issues, such as depression, pathological self-absorption and histrionic personality disorders, to name a few. They might also engage in substance abuse and self-medicating behaviours, or dependency, and participate in deviant life-style action – very often pedophilia.

Not all rich and famous people have these problems: but enough do to advance the stereotype.

Of course, wealth, power and popularity are not bad things in themselves. They do, however, extract a heavy toll on the spiritual life.

If you check the history of mysticism for the past 5000 years, you’ll find that almost all mystics or spiritual people have led simple lives. Comfortable, maybe, but never lavish or vulgar. The only truly wealthy mystic I’m aware of is Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor who lived from the year 121 to 180. He was more stoic philosopher than mystic, but he wrote a wonderful book called “The Meditations.” Despite the fabulous wealth and power connected to his title, he lived a very modest and contemplative life. He preferred inner splendor to outer ostentation.

Now I’m talking about REAL mystics – not fakers who use spirituality as a way of gaining control of people or resources – who exploit the weak and mock their own believers and followers. There are plenty of frauds around. They are the ones who get interviewed by Oprah, appear in People Magazine and have Netflix documentaries made about them.

Of course, it’s nice to be appreciated. It’s nice to learn that people benefit from your efforts. It’s nice to know that your gifts are being put to good use.

It is also nice to enjoy a calm, harmonious life – one that’s comfortable but not frivolous – and to be free, for the most part, to work and play as you choose.

That is TRUE wealth. And that is the life of your favorite mystic.

Independence Day 2021

Canada Day 2021


When I was a youngster, I watched a lot of silly movies on TV (I still do, but for different reasons). One of those movies was something called “Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors” starring the great Peter Cushing. This is one of those anthology movies popular at the time made up of five short stories held together with a wrap around narrative. In this case, five passengers on a train meet Dr. Schreck (whose name means terror). He is a doctor of metaphysics and purports to use the tarot cards (his house of horrors) to reveal the nightmarish situations the passengers are destined to face.

It’s a dumb movie, not very scary, and the ending has nothing to do with the stories presented – so, I’m not sure why this film appealed to me so strongly. It did however, make me want to become a Doctor of Metaphysics (which I now am) and study the Tarot.

Tarot is part of occult teachings and as my readers know I discourage people from taking part in occult activities due to the dangers found there in. The images on Tarot cards can serve as windows or gateways to other worlds.  When untrained people “play” with Tarot, especially if they have any degree of sensitivity or intuition, forces and even personalities from the other worlds can come through the windows and intrude on what is thought of as normal reality. Without adequate training and protection, those intrusions can result in serious psychic harm to the person messing with these powers. Unless you know how to channel the other worldly forces and know how to protect yourself and your associates from the forces, stay away from Tarot and all things occult.

The best training is to learn and PRACTICE effective meditation techniques and immerse yourself in positive, well established, spiritual literature and thoughts.

The proper use of Tarot is to gain access to and develop understanding of your own inner self, your subconscious, your true personality. Your subconscious has a way of gathering and sorting information that is not readily available to your conscious self – which relies heavily on only the five material senses. The subconscious can provide you with the information it collects and can even urge you to act in more positive, beneficial ways. However, it is often difficult for the conscious mind to understand the language used by the subconscious. The tarot symbolism helps to verbalize the information and make it usable.

There are, then, three main uses for the Tarot:

1/  Self-Analysis

Laying the cards out in a specific pattern provides a platform for the subconscious to pick and choose appropriate symbols and combinations of symbols that can be articulated and interpreted by the conscious mind. Readers in the past have provided possible interpretations of the symbols – generic interpretations, we might say – but a skilled reader need not rely on these. The images and the connection between the various cards that appear in the spread are more like mental prompts to get the subconscious involved in analyzing the issues at hand. By drawing the conscious attention to some symbols but not others, the subconscious can guide the reader to the information the inner mind wants to convey.

2/  Analyzing Another

Similar to the first use, in this case the reader helps guide the person being read to an understanding of their deeper problems. This is an effective tool for counseling and therapy because the client doesn’t always know or understand exactly what the issues are that disturb them. They can discuss the symptoms while the root causes of their difficulties are a mystery. The Tarot helps the client’s subconscious mind reveal the deeper concerns that are blocked from conscious awareness. Analyzing another requires the reader to have an empathic connection with the client.

3/  Divination

Divination is NOT fortune telling. You don’t want some external force dictating your decisions. The human connection to Universal Intelligence is through the subconscious. Proper divination allows the person’s own inner mind, with its greater scope of information, to participate in the decision-making process. Before beginning a new project or operation, you want to get as much information about the possible outcomes that you can find. Ideally, if you have training and experience in meditation, you can access the additional, subconscious, information directly and whenever you may need it. Tarot is a tool that gives you quick insights into a situation to help you decide the way to proceed.

Tarot work, if done for yourself or others, should be approached in a respectful, meditative manner. It is not a game or frivolous past time.

I don’t think it was intentional, but in the movie, fortune telling is shown to be ineffective. The ending makes it clear that the fate of the passengers is already determined and none of the situations predicted by Dr. Schreck actually occur. Instead, Dr. Schreck turns out to be an agent of darkness who just uses the tarot cards to agitate and terrorize the other characters prior to leading them to Hell. There’s no reason for this, other than the need to make a low-budget horror film.

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